Chapter 7. Vodka

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A/N Buckle up y'all, this chapter is WILD. It took me forever to name it.
Also I found this fan art on Pinterest so if you know who made it leave a comment and I'll credit them ofc.

Scarlett's cheeks turned a light shade of red, "What does exactly mean? You're so frustrating Fred Weasley.

"I might be frustrating, but at least I'm not clueless."

"Me clueless? Whatever you say."

Fred was about to respond, but they were interrupted by George. "If you two prats are done with your lover's quarrel, I'd like to share my idea."

"Go ahead George." Scarlett sighed, propping her head up with her arms.

"Okay, so I was thinking about the goblet. There's going to be an age line around it right? That means if we can get past the line, we'll be able to put our names in." George exclaimed.

"Yeah, but how do you suppose we cross the line?" Fred questioned.

George rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious, "An ageing potion of course!"

"Brilliant thinking Georgie! That may actually work!"

"What do you think you'll do if your plan backfires?" Scarlett wanted to know.

"Hopefully we don't have to think that far, besides we could always do what I originally suggested and have you blow the place up for us." George gave a toothy grin.

Scarlett chuckled, "Let's hope your potion works then." She grabbed her fork and continued eating her leafy salad.

The three finished their lunch and made their way to the Library, the twins wanted to look for potion recipes. They entered the large book-filled room, Scarlett knew the place like the back of her hand, while Fred and George looked lost.

They parted ways and began to search through the potions books. Just as she was about to pull a book off a shelf in the back of the Library she spotted Luna's blonde hair. She stuck her head out of the aisle to get a better look at her friend, and was shocked at what she saw.

There was Luna Lovegood kissing Ginny Weasley. The pair were leaned up against one of the tall, dusty bookcases. Scarlett stopped breathing as she watched them, unable to move. The kiss was deep and passion filled, the girls looked like they really cared for each other.

Luna and Ginny had their eyes closed so they didn't see Scarlett cover her mouth to contain her squeals, and stick head back into the aisle. Scarlett had suspected something fishy going on between the two third years, but never had she imagined catching them together in the library. Scarlett did a giddy little dance and ran back to the Twins, trying to act normal.

She knew she couldn't tell anyone about what she saw, even if she wanted to tell the world. Outing them wouldn't be fair and she figured they'd tell everyone when they were ready. That made two couple's in the friend group. As Scarlett found Fred and George she had to manually calm her breathing, "Find any good recipes?" She asked the pair.

"Yeah I think we have the one! It'll age us for an hour so we can enter our names and turn back to normal." Fred smiled, unaware of what just happened.

"Perfect, we should go. Right now." Scarlett had to get them out of the library as fast as possible so they didn't see the girls snogging in the back. Her seeing it was bad enough, but Ginny would be mortified if the twins saw.

"Okay?" George replied. Fred and George shot each other with a confused look and followed the Ravenclaw girl out of the library. They walked a little ways down the hallway and George said, "I have to go meet someone but I'll see you guys later" He handed the potions book to Fred and shoved his hands in his pockets.

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