Chapter 59. Flinch

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"I can't help if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have is unstoppable. Let's just say it's chemical. Will it last? Who knows, point is I'm a free agent."

"Do you even like her? Or are you using her, because she's been pining after you for months and you only just paid her any attention after she made the first move."

"Of course I like her! She's brilliant!"

"What's her favorite color or her middle name?"

"I um- well it's probably-"

Scarlett scoffed, "you only like snogging her! You know nothing about her at all. You're making a mistake and it's going to end up with you hurting not one but two girls."

"We do more than just snog!"

"Oh no," her eyes widened, "please tell me you didn't shag."

"That is personal information."

Scarlett hit him with her potions book, "all boys have is the audacity, except Harry. He has yet to fail me! My point is you're so stupid!" She was fuming at how oblivious Ron was. "I at least hope you used protection!"

"Of course I did!"

Scarlett grabbed Harry's wrist, "let's go, I bet Won Won has a snog appointment to get to anyway."

Harry knew better than to say anything as Scarlett pulled him up two flights of stairs and into the library. It was packed full of students, mostly fifth years already panicking about O.W.L.s. It had been a couple days since the quidditch game and Hermione was coping by studying. It was better than the alternatives but she wasn't sure when the last time the Gryffindor had seen the sun was.

Scarlett hadn't seen Fred after the incident with Ron but he was still in Hogsmeade and they were set to go on a lunch date. For now Scarlett's main focus was letting Ron have a piece of her mind any chance she got and comforting Hermione. Even though she pretended nothing was the matter, Fred would just have to wait.

"Hey Hermione, find anything interesting to read?" She released her tight grip on Harry's arm.

"No, there's too many romance novels in this stupid library."

"Maybe because you're in the romance section?" Harry said calmly so as to not upset her.

"Am I?" Hermione looked up, "I didn't realize."

Scarlett gave her a concerned look, "are you all right?"

"Was I under the impression we would be attending Slughorn's party together? Yes. But Ron's under perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I couldn't care less. I've just had to make other arrangements."

"Have you?"


"Oh," Harry shook his head, "I just thought since neither of us can go with who we want we could just go together as friends."

"Why didn't I think of that?" The brunette groaned.

"Wait, why can't you go with Cho?" Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows.

"She said she doesn't want to go to the party. I'm not sure why."

"So who are you going with?" She asked Hermione.

"It's a surprise, but it's Harry we've got to worry about. He can't just take any one. You see that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane, apparently she's trying to smuggle Harry a love potion."

They looked over at the girl, she was quite pretty. Actually, she was gorgeous. "Really?" Harry seemed surprised.

"Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one!" Hermione scolded.

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