35 | Forget the World

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I smiled at her sadly. "I know you all are worried, but I know I will get through this. I don't know how long it will take, but you know how I deal with things. I handle it best on my own."

"I know you do, but please don't think you have to deal with this on your own," Cel murmured. "I am always here for you."

"Me too!" I heard Amberly exclaim from behind the door, until she pushed it open, sending Cel stumbling my way. 

I caught her with one arm, while the other was holding the towel around me. 

"Jesus Amberly, what the hell?" Cel remarked. 

"Sorry!" she squeaked. 

"Girls, if you would let me have a moment alone with my daughter," my mother sighed.

I saw she was sitting on my bed. 

"If it is about the party I will totally take responsibility for it, I helped plan it!" Amberly cried.

Cel rolled her eyes as I started to smile. 

"Amberly dear," my mother coaxed and got up from the bed. "I think you should go to the guest room where Elle is and get some rest."

"Yeah, you still seem a little drunk," Cel added.

"Celesta," my mother reprimanded. 

Cel just shrugged her shoulders and led Amberly out. 

"Do you want me to make you some hot tea?" my mother asked suddenly.

My eyes widened. "Yes, please."

She gave me a grin and then stepped out of the room. I knew she would ask that, whenever she made tea it always calmed me. As I waited for her to come back, I finished getting ready for bed. 

By the time she got back, I was in bed with my hair braided and nightgown on. She plopped down beside me and handed me the tea. 

I immediately went to drink it but stopped when my mother yelped.

"It's hot!" she warned. 

Frowning, I lowered the cup and set it on the bedside table. 

"There are some things we need to discuss," my mother began. "First off, your father will be grounding you for the party. I personally do not mind, this house needs to be used for something!"

"Seriously?" I gawked. "I trashed our house, Mom. Plus, we were drinking alcohol!"

"We did that all the time when I was your age," my mother chuckled. 

My eyes widened.

"Don't look so surprised honey, none of us were saints," she continued. "Anyway, about whatever is going on between you and Scott—"

"I know it is a bad idea," I began, cutting her off. "He's a vampire, I'm a witch. It would never work out! Not to mention the coven—"

"What I was about to say, was that I want you to be happy," my mother smiled. "I don't care who it is with. Your father however will take a lot of convincing."

I just gaped at her. Why was she so, okay with all of this?

My mother seemed to know what I was thinking. She set her tea beside mine and got up from the side of my bed. She clasped her hands over mine, giving them a light squeeze of reassurance. 

"Life is too short to worry about what could go wrong or what others think you should do," she murmured. "Besides, I do not want to imagine what would've happened if Scott didn't get to you guys in time."

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant