33 | Caught in the Fire

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Seaside, California October 31, 2012


MY aversion to alcohol was not misplaced. Everyone at this party started acting like absolute idiots the later it got. Some of the football players even started to play around a little too roughly.

Then it turned into an all-out fight. I saw Amberly texting someone when it began to unfold. But Zach and Scott jumped in to break it up before any of Laura's patio furniture got broken.

"Do you think we should call it a night? I'm surprised the house is still standing," I chuckled to Amberly as we watched Scott and Zach pull the drunk fighters away from each other.

"I couldn't agree more," Amberly said glumly as she glanced at her phone. "I told Eddie to help come break this shit up, he hasn't responded."

"Eh, Zach and Scott can handle these drunk bitches," I replied and took a sip of my Cream Soda. 

"He always responds Celesta," Amberly said worryingly. 

"Maybe he got drunk and passed out somewhere, just relax," I insisted. 

"He doesn't drink!" Amberly shot out. "Seriously, Celesta I am worried about him!"

"Amberly, I love you but you have drank a lot of whatever tonight and you need to calm down," I repeated, this time annoyed. 

I didn't understand why all of my friends insisted on drinking at parties. They always acted like children when they did. Hell, Elle was beyond drunk.

That girl was fucking wasted. She was hollering and dancing with everyone. It was quite comical actually. 

"I am only slightly tipsy alright?" Amberly huffed and put her phone away. 

I glanced at her as she stared ahead blankly. Then came a deep sob from her.

"Do you think he is out with another chick?!" Amberly bawled and started to cry. 

Rolling my eyes, I shot my arm out and pulled her into a side hug. "No Amberly, he is not banging some other chick. As I said, he is probably drunk like everyone else and passed out."

I've seen that idiot passed out drunk in many places over the years. His girlfriend always failed to see that her boyfriend wasn't fucking perfect. She's even seen him drunk. Did her drunk mind delete that aspect?

"Can we get away from all these people?" Amberly cried. 

"Sure," I muttered and lead her through to the side of the house. 

There was no way we were going through the house, it was crowded in there as well. 

When we reached the front the blaring music wasn't as bad. But still bad. A Justin Beiber song was on. 

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now