41 | A Downward Spiral

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Seaside, California April 1, 2013

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Seaside, California April 1, 2013


I wasn't sure how much time has passed since I'd been thrown into this room to rot. It was windowless. My uncle had taken my daylight ring from me and deprived me of blood. He would just give me enough to where I wouldn't start to desiccate. 

Every object in this tasteless room was bolted to the floor. There was no way to end this misery, the only thing I had to myself were my thoughts. How horrible they have become the last few months or however long I had been here.

A hundred years could've gone by, it wouldn't have made a difference. 

I laid on the bed, the white walls around me felt like they extended forever to the ceiling. 

That night I took Isabel back to the house was when everything went to hell. I did everything I thought was right. I tried to keep Isabel in line, but it was to no avail. 

My uncle had come later that night with that Kaiser boy. And right in front of Isabel; he killed him in the most gruesome way. 

I saw the life drain from his eyes and felt that pang of emotion. That spark that had been growing for so long came rushing to the surface. Only because I had felt guilt for ruining his life.

That was my humanity trigger. 

But I didn't witness what happened after that, my uncle had snapped my neck, and the next thing I knew I was in this room. I didn't know what became of Isabel and Maggie. 

The moment I woke up he was in there, telling me this was for my own good to be locked away until he decided what to do with me. And after asking repeatedly about the fate of my progeny, he would never answer me. 

I knew the Hathaway coven wanted me dead, I didn't see why my uncle insisted on keeping me alive. I would gladly let them end this miserable existence of mine. 

It felt strange to have feelings again, but all I felt was despair and loneliness. Memories of what I have done over the years accompanied me in my sleep. Especially the images of two frightened children as I killed Aria Mirren with my bare hands. 

Just as I killed her father in front of her as a child. 

While I was awake I would hallucinate, so the memories never ended. It would get worse as I was closer to desiccation. If this was my punishment for all of the things I have done; mental torment, then I suppose that was kinder than physical torture. 

The only peace I felt was when I would see my parents. They had adopted me as an infant, my birth parents had died in a carriage accident when I was only months old. My uncle took me under his care for a short while. Apparently, Aunt Claire had been besotted with me, never having had a child of her own. 

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