29 | When Sparks Fly

Start from the beginning

"She fucked up the moment she messed with my friends," I reproached.

"Well, I believe my niece fucked up the moment she turned the girl," a voice chimed from behind us.

"Uncle," Seana greeted with distaste. She let me go and faced Orion. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I am a chaperone for the dance tonight. The only one apparently," Orion mused. "The rest have seemingly scattered. Now I see one of your spawns has caused more problems."

"Do not touch Isabel," Seana seethed.

"Why should I let her live?" Orion queried. "I already know about those men she turned. Now she has turned someone else. You do realize uncontrolled turnings leads to a risk of exposure?"

Seana just glared at him with hatred.

"Do you?!" he thundered out.

Why the hell was I still standing here?

"The boy has already agreed to not transition, so may we settle this quietly?" Seana muttered, unfazed by her uncle's anger.

"Certainly, once I dispose of the boy, we will speak on what to do with your wayward progeny," Orion chortled.

Orion finally glanced my way and made a motion with his head for me to leave.

"Wait—" Seana insisted but her uncle silenced her with a stern look.

"You and I will handle Isabel, let him go," Orion ordered.

He didn't need to tell me twice. I left without another glance and sped back to the gymnasium. One of the songs I had picked was blaring through the speakers throughout the place. Everyone was attempting to dance to the Hustle.

Scanning through the crowd, I saw some familiar faces. Celesta and Zach were dancing with one another. I also noticed Orion and Seana slip in through the back entrance, looking for Isabel.

Now I just needed to figure out how to get Lily away from Brandon without being a total douchebag. Or maybe I should haul Brandon out of here myself before Orion or Seana did anything to him.

I knew he didn't want to transition, so he was aware of what was happening to him. If he knew that, didn't he know he could hurt Lily? Why the hell did he even come to a place full of people?

People he could unintentionally hurt or kill.

I remember waking up that morning years ago when Seana turned me. That burning ache in my throat was almost impossible to ignore and that was right when I woke up. Brandon has been in transition for hours. I just couldn't understand how he had such self-control.

I stopped in the middle of the dance, my mind reeling at the fact that I felt, bitter.

Just because he had the control I lacked back then. I still doubted myself even today.

Finally, just as I got over myself, I caught a glimpse of Brandon with Lily. They were headed over towards the refreshments table.

It was a pain in the ass to maneuver around everyone quickly. But the closer I got to them, the more I could hear what they were saying. 

"We've danced enough I think," I heard Lily sigh, her back was turned to me. "Now what did you want to talk about earlier?"

I saw Brandon's face fall. "Oh that," he mumbled. "It's nothing really, let's just enjoy the rest of the night alright?"

"Brandon is something going on?" Lily asked in a worried tone.

I was right behind her now, my sight right on Brandon. He finally noticed me behind her, his eyes widening in confusion. 

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now