25 | Lights Down Low

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Cel and Zach were blowing up balloons. And popping them.

Those little idiots kept snickering at one another, and just before Zach was about to blow up another one, I stomped over there.

"Listen you two, just use the damn blow-up machine! Those need helium to float!" I remarked.

"I don't know how to use it though," Zach muttered.

"Then I will have someone else do the balloons, uh go set up those chairs with Eddie and Brandon!" I exclaimed.

"Alright," Zach sighed and walked away all sad and dejected.

"Really?" Cel asked, "Listen can I just go home? I don't like this stuff and I have helped you all week."

"Fine!" I huffed, then went back to Amberly who was tying some ribbon to the back of the chairs.

"Are you good? You seem all uppity," Amberly chuckled.

"I'm just on edge, this decorating shit has not been what I needed it to be," I admitted, "A distraction."

"A distraction from what?" Amberly grinned, "Someone you like—"

"No!" I shouted, my voice echoing.

Everyone in the gym turned to look at me for a brief second.

I just took a seat in one of the chairs and slammed my head down on the table. I felt Amberly patting my back to console me.

"Lily it's fine to have a crush on someone," she murmured. "Besides, what is the big deal?"

"I was rejected and I'm not taking it well," I whispered.

"Well, if he can't see how amazing you are then that's his problem," Amberly replied.

I raised my head back up and turned to her. "It's a little bit more problematic than that," I reasoned.

After all, Scott did have some valid reasons.

"Well, how about this, why don't you ask him to homecoming? And if he says no then we'll kill him!" Amberly giggled.

Ha ha. He actually was already dead, but I had to love her humor.

"Yeah, I am not doing that," I muttered. "I'm just going to go stag. Maybe Elle will join me in being forever alone."

"Don't be dramatic Lily, you will find a date, I'm sure of it!" she assured.

It was easy for her to say, she didn't have the inhibitions I had when it came to talking to others. I had to pressure myself to ever speak how I felt to someone. I'm surprised I was able to do it with Scott. But he brought out another side of me, one that almost felt like the real me.

One where I didn't have that fear of the unknown.

Just when I thought I wasn't going to see him, Scott came into the gym. Zach was already trotting over to him all excited. I wonder why he came today to help, I never asked.

There was a reason I didn't ask for his help. Because you know, what was the point of doing this as a distraction?

"Amberly..." I whispered nervously, moving my eyes toward the direction of Scott and Zach.

Amberly just gave me a wink and got up from the table. "I got you, girl," she whispered back.

I turned my head and watched as she walked over to them. She said something to him, and he and Zach went away to the other side of the gym with the rest of the guys.

Thank, GOD.

I could feel my anxiety wanting to spike up, but I willed it back down.

Amberly came back and resumed tying ribbons to the chairs. I got up and helped.

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant