Chapter Twelve

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"Mom?" Izuku asked staring up at his mother who fidgeted under her sons glance, "why did Shigarki ask about dad?"

Yagi coughed under the the glare of his friend Tsukauchi, "Toshinori, what the fuck?"

Inko sighed, "I told you, Hisashi, he captures bad guys." Izuku sighed, mom, just what is he wrapped in that is so dangerous? He thinks before closing his eyes, "whatever, I, I need to check on [Name]."

"Izuku, baby!" "I'll tell [Name] you got stuck talking to the police." He said wiping a tear, "and p-please, can we keep her out of this?" He asked his mother who sighed, "Izuku, [Name]..."

"Please, let me be her hero for just a little longer." Izuku asked, "right now, she's going to have a lot on her plate." He said looking back at his mother, "[Name], her quirk is weird, you and I both know that, and now? She's healed a whole entire class, the heroes are going to have questions, our classmates too. She doesn't need to concern herself with Hisashi."

Inko flinched, my Izuku, he sounds so harsh, she thinks before sighing, but it's what kids go through, sometimes they get a little mean, but as his mother I'll help him!

"Alright Izuku, we'll tell [Name] later." Izuku nodded, yeah, later.

The feeling like he made an empty promise ate away at him slowly, I can't feel bad, I need to protect [Name], I want to protect her.

I want to protect my sister.


"Guy's stop! She's waking up!" [Name] heard Denki yell, "dude, chill out." Jiro said annoyance in her voice, "we're not going to hurt her, we just need to ask something." [Name] could hear Izuku's soft murmurs, "[Name], you need to wake up." He said as [Name] turned in the bed, "Izuku, you're okay?" She asked, searching for Denki, "Denki-kun, y-you're okay too right?"

"Y-yes! W-we a-all uh, we all are! You really saved our asses back at the USJ, [Name]-chan!" Denki shouted tripping over his own words. [Name] only chuckled, "who's all here?" She asked holding Izuku's hand as he smiled at his sister, patting the [hair color] hair, "the whole class." Izuku said nervously, "and some pros." "Why?" "We all want to ask about how you did that how you used the move." Aizawa said as [Name] lifted herself up, "what's going on Aizawa-sensei? Mom and Izuku could have told you how I heal people."

Aizawa sighed, "not like that, Midoriya." [Name] hummed, "I don't know what you mean, I just used my new move, I just healed everyone."

"[Name], do you remember how you did it?" Izuku asked, making [Name] hum to her brother. "I kissed Denki to heal everyone?" She questioned, wondering if she missed anything, because as far as she knew, she didn't midd anything. "Yes. How did you know it would make everyone stronger? Your quirk shouldn't be able to boost others up, just heal them, Midoriya." Aizawa stated, the man was curious on how someone as nervous and scared as [Name] could be so strong.

[Name] hummed, "well when Denki-kun and I kissed, I put all of my energy and reserves into Denki-kun. I let him borrow my quirk through energy!" [Name] stated proudly, "to put it simply, when Denki-kun thought about our classmates they were healing as long as our lips were touching! I think his electricity is what made their quirks boost up. We can test it with others if you want." [Name] told everyone in the room. "What about your brother, would you be able to test it out on him?" Iida asked, suggesting the safest option that wouldn't make Izuku commit mass genocide. After all, it was no secret he was quite over protective of the tiny girl.

[Name] hummed, "his has a mental lock, if anyone want's to test it who doesn't have a mental lock, I don't mind." The heroes and students nodded, "I'll fucking do it." Bakugo said with bravo as [Name]ed hummed, "Alright Bakugo-kun, I'm only using you and Denki-kun, so you two will have to explain how you feel alright?" [Name] asked as both boys grumbled out a yes, "oh, and Bakugo-kun? I'll need you to think about Denki-kun!" Bakugo grumbled, she still won't even call me by my first fucking name, just how pissed is she!?

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