Epilogue Three

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        Denki laughs as [Name] and Denki finally signs the marriage paper. After being engaged for so long the two ex-heroes decided to forgo the wedding.

"Medic, Chargebolt! What made it to where the two of you decided to forgo a wedding!?" a reporter asked and it seems that even after quitting heroism others have wanted to know more about the Kaminari family. How funny.

"Ah. Well, our sons were sick for a long time and we wanted to focus on that. A wedding seemed silly when we were already so happy. Thank you for understanding." [Name] says, keeping it straight and simple. It was one of the things he loved about you.

His wife(his wife, he knows) was just so smart.

It was so lovely.


[Name] visits UA's campus as Tenko takes over as the principal. It seems Nedzu's old age is finally catching up to him, and he had decided that Tenko was the next best choice since Nedzu had secretly been training him for the role through all the PR work he forced him to go through.

"Your sons got into another fight," Tenko says as [Name] giggles.

"They're your nephews," the woman says as Tenko huffs.

"Not here they ain't!" he yells as [Name] peeks her head into the office to hear her sons arguing with another boy.

"You were ogling Aiki! Leave my cousin alone you fucking pigswine!" Hisashi yells as another boy pipes up and [name] thinks it's Monoma's son. She never talked to him much, even after everything that went on. He hung around Hitoshi more than her group of friends or her brother's group of friends.

"I was asking her out!" the other boy yelled as Senkou groaned.

"You grabbed her wrist and asked why she said no! That's not asking her out you fucker!" Senkou yells as [Name] sighs.

Maybe she let Shouto watch her sons too much when they were in their formative years.


Shouto grins as he high-fives the two boys, Katsuki next as Toshinori hugs both boys.

[Name] can't believe the three males before her— scratch that she could believe Katsuki. Katsuki would high-five her sons over this.

"Aunty, are Sashi and Sen in trouble?" she asked as [Name] sighed.

"Nah. They were just helping you. What'd Monoma's brat do?" the woman asked as Aiki sighed, looking away from Toshinori, Senkou, and Hisashi.

"It's stupid." She says as [Name] laughs.

"It can't be that stupid. Tell Aunty all about it." [Name] says as Denki flies the door rooms open.

"My boys! You protected Aiki!? What good cousins you are!" Denki yells as [Name] sighs.

It seems like Denki's and Monoma's dislike for one another is still a thing.

"I like Toshinori," Aiki says as [Name] nods.

"We all know." [Name] says and she has to wonder if this is how others felt about her and Denki in high school. They were so obvious, weren't they?

"But Toshinori said he likes another girl. He said he liked someone cool." Aiki says as [Name] smiles.

"Toshi likes you. I know." [Name] says with a grin. "I think... you should ask Toshi about it later, Aiki." [Name] tells the girl, ruffling her hair as she smiles.

Medic[Kaminari Denki x Fem!Blind!Reader](REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now