Chapter Nine

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[Name] stretched as she walked to Izuku's and Denki's class, excited to see her friend and her brother, I wonder what Izuku and Denki-kun did today! The girl thinks as she tried to hear for Denki's and Izuku's voices, focusing on those two, "hey, Denki-kun, Izuku, ready?" Izuku laughed nervously, "sorry [Name], I have to train somewhere else." [Name] hummed knowing where it would be, I wonder what All Might needs from Izuku. The girl thinks, it's after school isn't? I wonder if he need to discuss All for One. [Name] smiles at her brother, wrapping his hand in hers, "stop by the house if you two get injured, okay Izuku?" Izuku nodded, [Name]'s hands shaking as Izuku nodded, "I will!"

[Name] giggled as she grabbed Denki's hand, ready to hangout with her friend, "ready?" She asked Denki who froze a second before answering her, "yeah!" He shouted before he gripped [Name]'s hand tighter, "oh I want to show you another trendy food store!" [Name] hummed, grabbing his hand tighter, "alright Denki-kun, let's go."

"Huh? A burger shop?" You asked Denki who simply hummed, "if you're not hungry..." [Name] blinked at Denki's sad voice, tightening her grip on the blonds hands she huffed, "no! It's fine!" [name] said fastly as her stomach gurgled, "I'm a little bit hungry myself! I think I'll get some fries and this time," she said taking a pause for effect as the blond blinked, "I'm going to pay!" She told the boy who nodded, "alright, next time it's on my dime!"

[Name] ignored how happy it made her knowing there'd be a next time with the kind blond boy.

"What do you want, Denki-kun?" [Name] asked, ready to order as Denki smiled at her confidence, [Name]-chan sure is cute huh? He thought as he looked at the blind girl, "a cheese burger, please." [Name] huffed confidently as she walked up the to the cash register, "can I get a cheese burger, two large fries, and two drinks please." The man nodded, "that will be 1463.51 yen, miss." [Name] hummed, handing him 5,000 yen she had on her person.

[Name] grinned as she took the change and the recite, the man still talking, "you and your boyfriend are pretty cute together, I don't see many young couples like you guys." [Name] laughed, feeling bubbly at being mistaken for someones girlfriend who isn't her brother, "thanks."

Walking away with the large cups [Name] handed the cup and receipt to Denki, "sorry, the man at the register didn't tell me the number, so can you read it to me?" [Name] asked as Denki reminded unresponsive, his thoughts taking him over, did she just tell him thanks, does she know what boyfriend means? The blond thought as [Name] pouted, pulling on her friends face lightly, "hey Denki-kun, are you in there? You're sparking!" The girl shouted as Denki looked up to find [Name] close.

Oh god she's so close! Denki thought as he backed up, "[N-Name]! You're super close!" [Name] only laughed at her friends reaction, "Denki-kun, c'mon don't be so weirded out by it!" [Name] yelled with a grin, "read me our number and tell me where [Favorite Drink] flavor is!" Denki blinks as he laughed, "our number is 698, and uh, I'll bring you back our drinks, so uh, w-wait here!" He demanded as [Name] giggled, sitting on one of the stools as she kicked her legs back and fourth, patiently waiting for her friend.

Denki came back, two drinks in hand as he slid one towards [Name], "here I put the lid on it and everything." [Name] laughed lightly at the boys kindness, "thank you, Denki-kun." Denki ignored how [Name]s voice made his body feel light.

[Name] hummed as she tapped the table, nervously biting the inside of her lip as she poked Denki's hand, getting his attention. "H-hey, are, are, you, uh, curious ab-about what happened between Bakugo-kun and I?" "uh, I..." Denki was about to answer as the number was called, "number 698!" The loud voice rang through as Denki shot up, "hold on, [Name]-chan!"

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