Chapter Thirty-Nine

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        "Eh!? I missed the race?" [Name] complained, leaning into Denki's shoulder as they all ate lunch in the cafeteria.

[Name] could hear Tsuyu bickering at Iida for not watching over their two idiots plus Shoto as he promised her.

Meanwhile she tried to not laugh at how Ochako and Shoto both awkwardly danced around Izuku's questions about Hosu and how they were able to pull off a combo move so easy.

"You so missed your brothers almost win! It was awesome!" Denki yelled with glee as he retold [Name] about everyones race and how good it was to see and [name] thought she wouldn't mind this kind of thing forever.

Even though she isn't too good of friend with Iida and Tsuyu yet, being surrounded by those she loves and has a mutual respect with is nice.

It's really nice.


"C'mon, Bakugo!" Ashido whines, hanging onto the ashy blond on one side and Kirishima on the other. "Tell us about [Name]-chan and how we can become besties with her!"

"Yeah Bakugo! Tell us!" Kirishima argued along with Ashido as Sero sighed.

"Guys, he's going to kill us again." Sero grumbled, still feeling the pain from taking a picture of the blond boys hair from his internship.

Ashido watched as Bakugo's eyes trailed over to [Name] who sat laughing with Izuku's group of friends. Telling stories of how cute Izuku was when they were all children.

She wondered just went wrong during the three childhood friends past for Bakugo to sharply turn on his heel without another word and leave towards the courtyard.


"I heard you class 1-A losers have a coward in your class now!" A boy yelled as [Name] closed her eyes trying to remember who the voice belonged to.

"Monoma Neito!" [Name] yelled, stopping the commotion from her table due to her brother and Shoto being lifted into the air by Ochako for trying to fist-fight Monoma.

"Eh?" The boy asked, confused by the girls excited tone.

"You're the one with an inferiority complex, right?" She asked, Denki snorting into Iida's shoulder who was sighing the [Name]'s words while Tsuyu tried to tell the blind girl not to stoop to his level.

"You have to be healed by me all the time due to Kendo-san chopping you in the neck, right? If anyone's a coward it's you. After all, I'm learning to deal with my issues, but what are you doing again?" [Name] asked, a grin spreading across her face.

Hado-senpai had always told her if she was going to tear someone down, it should be with her pretty smile! And how could she go against her senpai's advice when she was apart of the famous big three?

"Being a well liked healer must be getting to your head." Monoma gritted out as [Name] giggled.

"Ah, I think a lot of things are getting to my head!" [Name] cheered as she slid her half eaten plate of food towards Denki, "but I think you're missing a few screws in your head, Monoma-kun. You should get to working on that. Every time I've met a guy with a complex like yours... they've always killed the kindness and people, you should watch yourself before you dive too deep into that pathetic lifestyle." [Name] finished saying, touching her half-deaf ear.

"Well, we should all get going. Aizawa-sensei said he needed to get me caught up to where everyone else already is. I do hope you learn to grow up, Monoma-kun. You won't be a very good hero if you only ever look down on people."

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