Chapter Nineteen.

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[Name] hummed as Shoto told her about his mother.

"Do you miss her?" She asked, "you said she was away at the moment." [Name] said, as she practiced over pressure points in her head.

"I miss my mom, but I can't see her yet." He says in his usual aloof and mysterious way that [Name]s grown accustomed to.

"Why not?" [Name] asked as Shoto huffed, "I haven't beaten that bastard yet." He says seriously, "I won't go see her until i can prove I'm better."

"In what way Shoto?" [Name] asked, "In terms of power it's going to take a while, but I've read up on Endeavor recently, I've been doing research, l-like a good pro-hero and medical hero does and, in terms of personality, I think you're heaps better." [Name] says to her friend as the door opens.

"[Name]-chan," Denki greets, "I bought you lunch." He says as [Name] grins.

"Thank you Denki-kun!" She yells out, excited about having lunch with her friend and her crush.

[Name] feels Shoto bringing coldness to her, "your face was growing hot." He says, "you need to be more careful."

[Name] laughed, "thank you Shoto-kun!" She says as Denki blinks, ignoring the pit of jealousy that grows in him.

"How was class, Denki-kun?" She asks as Denki blinks, "you can drop the honorific." He states, "we're good enough friends, right [Name]?" He says looking at Todoroki with a challenging gleam as [Name] flushes.

"A-a-are you sure!?" She asks loudly, as Denki hums a yes.

"I would like for you to just call me Denki, [Name]."

"Don't you think she sounds a bit uncomfortable?" Shoto asked, why does he intend to make [Name] uncomfortable?

"Ah, Shoto-kun! It's fine! I'm not uncomfortable, I'm like really happy!" [Name] yells out, a grin at her face.

"No one's ever said I was close enough with them to drop the honorific!" She yells out as Shoto hums, "then you can drop mine too." Shoto says with a nod, happiness bubbling in him at the thought he made someone else happy.

Is this what having friends feels like? He wondered as he remembers how his father always told them they were useless, Shoto isn't too sure about that now.

Because looking at [Name], Shoto thinks they bring a very good feeling.

"Alright, Denki, Shoto, then please. Only refer to me as [name]! Since we're all this good of friends!" She yells out, and for once Shoto thinks he's going to be blinded by a smile so happy and white.

He nods to himself, excitement lacing him, he looks to his phone and breaths in.

How to become better friends with someone.

He types in, because in his opinion, it's too late to make more friends.


1. Compliment them.
When giving your friend compliments it makes them feel better about themselves. Don't be scared to compliment a friend!
2. Help them out.
Wether it be homework or a tasks they have to do, helping them out works the best! Plus it's always a good wy to find out what the like and don't like.
3. Do things that interest them.
Like if your friend like hero con and you're not that big of a fan of it! Going to hero-con with them is always fun, because you get to see what interests them and doesn't!
4. Invite them out.
If your friends shy and you wanna get closer to them. invite them over to your house or ask them if they want to get a bite to eat or just go on a fun outing!
5. Always be honest.
Don't be scared to be honest with your friend. If you end up catching feelings tell them, or if you're mad at them, tell them. Be honest with them.
6. Be yourself.
this is the most important rule, don't be scared to be yourself! If they don't like you for you, you could never be friends with them.

Medic[Kaminari Denki x Fem!Blind!Reader](REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now