Chapter Forty-Four

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        "Ochako, wake up." [Name] says, shaking one of her best friends awake as Ochako grabs her hands and she can still feel the soft mittens Ochako's wears to bed on her wrists and she wonders if she should purchase her friend a new pair— she's sure Izuku and Shouto will help her pick some out! It could be a gift from the three of them to her. She should do that after the training camp!

"I don't wanna train anymore, [Name]! My hands hurt." she whines as [Name] smiles.

"I'll give you more kisses! We can make Izuku cry about how I get to kiss you more then he or Shouto ever could." [Name] says as Ochako groggily gets up.

"Only if I can rub it in Denki's face." Ochako says as [Name] snickers.

"Of course, I would expect nothing less." [Name] says with a giggle as the girls in the cabin sigh at the pair of friends, the group wondering if the two girls ever get tired of scheming to upset their respective partners.


Shimura Hana watches as the sun rises, Dabi besides her as the two scope out the large forest.

"You're spooky." Dabi says, his scarred hands tracing the brown trunks that are slightly wilting in his hands as Hana hums.

"You can think that." she says as she watches something— no someone— fly out of the brushes, black hair obscuring his face as fire drips from his mouth, Dabi going down as a hand grabs her wrists, pulling her into them as they breath out shakily.

"I'm sorry, nee-san." the voice says and she knows that voice. That's Tenko, his voice is deep, much deeper then when she lasts remembers, but thats her Tenko. That's her baby brother, he's the only one who would ever call her big sister with such a sad tone.

"Tenko. I forgive you. I'm sorry, I should have never blamed you. I-I made you do that. I made you harm everyone. I know you never would have. You're a good boy. You're such a good boy." She soothes out as Tenko sobs and he's always been such a cry baby. That's why she was the older sister. That's why god made her the big sister, she should have protected him more.

She should have been nicer to him back then. She should have just told their father that she found the picture when she was being nosy, even if he broke her arm or did something worse to her. She should have confessed the truth.

"I'm sorry I lied." she says as Tenko sobs.

"I-it was my turn. He broke your arm last time... you-you even got the cast to be colored red because I liked it so much." he says as Hana sniffles.

"Sensei, he said you were kidnapped. Why are you here?" she asks as Tenko blinks.

"Hana, I was never kidnapped." Tenko tells her, "I ran away. Sensei... he-he's not a good person." he says as Hana nods.

She knew that much. The man doesn't show his face and talks all creepily. It's obvious he isn't a good person, but when she looks at Tenko and see's the pain in his eyes, she knows he thought this Sensei guy was a good person. Her Tenko had always been so trusting, so kind. It was a problem most days.

And it seems like it was a nightmare for her baby brother. Had that man used her baby brother in an unlawful way? Had he hurt Tenko? What did he do to him?

"What did he do to you?" she asked in a whisper as Tenko took his hand from her wrist and looked down shamefully. "Oh, Tenko." she whispers softly, hands on his face like their mother used to do to him when someone had hurt him either at home or at school, "did he do anything like... what did he do to you?" she asked again, scared to utter her thoughts about what went on as Tenko breathed in.

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