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I just thought How Would You Feel will be the perfect song for this chapter. Anyways, enjoy!

 Anyways, enjoy!

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Dec 03, 2020

Winter season.

The two of you had breakfast first since you haven't eaten anything after the both of you left the house, there was food, yes, but Sakusa wants to eat out together.

"I want to eat with you, I've been meaning to try the ramen restaurant nearby, let's go there and start our day with ramen, I also heard they have umeboshi for sale. I can't miss the opportunity."

Well, half of the day was spent outside the city taking most of the hours you have, it was fun tho so you're no one to complain, Y/n enjoyed every single thing. As long she's with Sakusa she's happy. She couldn't ask for more. The better man will come and that is Sakusa Kiyoomi.

The drive took an hour and a half, it wasn't boring nor awkward. It was fun. The city lights kissing your face, Sakusa's hand intertwined with yours, it was perfect.

Sakusa kept his mouth shut about the date, he doesn't want anything to spill because if he did, his plans would be spoiled and ruin. He wants you to experience the best date you'll ever have, and he's not going to let you down.

It was a wonderful day to go on a date especially when you're with someone you love, which makes the day more extra and lovely.

The moment you stepped out of the car, you saw the beautiful view in front of you, a shrine. Kawaguchiko Winter Fireworks. Japan's original, and today was winter season, seeing the water mirroring the city lights took away your breathing, truly breathtaking. It has been years since you last went here and with your brother. It kinda feels nostalgic. Nostalgically nice.

"It's b-beautiful Omi-kun," Her eyes printing the bewitching scenery, her back facing Sakusa, she's truly fascinated by the sight.

Sakusa secretly took a photo of you, smiling at the picture, he set it as his wallpaper. He likes your view more. No one could surpass his attraction to you. You're pulchritudinous. For his eyes only.

"Y/n let's go for a closer look, I'm sure you'll love it."

He loves you more.

"Okay, Kiyoomi!" Sakusa grabs your hand, interlacing his fingers with your delicate ones, your lips forming a huge smile.

He's madly in love with you. The way you smile, laugh, and held his hand means everything to Sakusa. He loves every detail you have. Your imperfections make you perfect. You are his joy. The reason why he hasn't given up on anything in his life was because of you.

"Is there a firework show later?"

"Yes." Y/n hummed.

Embracing the comfortable silence, not letting go of each other's hands. He loves this feeling, standing beside you, he smiled at the dark sky.

He pulled Y/n closer hugging her side, as she leaned on him, placing her head in his broad shoulders.

"This is perfect Kiyoomi."

"Yes, it is. Especially you're here."

You stayed like that for a while, enjoying the presence of each other. Sakusa glanced at his watch.





Sakusa let go of Y/n and made her face him his hands still holding yours, it confuse you, why would he let go? It's comfortable. Sakusa rubs her hands.





"What are ya doin' Kiyoomi?"



The fireworks rocketed into the sky. Covering the dark shades, sending out a message to Sakusa. It's time.

"Y/n I know this is our first date but I cannot wait that long, I waited for this moment to come true, you have no idea how many times I imagine this before going to sleep. With you, I'm complete. I love you. And I want us to be official, so Y/n, would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?"

She blinked, her mind stop thinking for a minute, before smiling.

"Yes. Of course, Kiyoomi. You also have no idea how much I waited for this, all those years were worth it. Worth waiting for you to ask me. I love you."

Soon, she met warm lips placed on hers.

I'll be taking my time... spending my life, falling deeper in love with you.

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