The Unknown- Part Eighty Two

Start from the beginning

Louis- Well where is she?

Imy- She’s at the cottage. Here take my keys, she might change her mind by the time you get there and not let you in.

Imy handed Louis the keys and Louis thanked her. He told Kylie he wouldn’t be long and told her to stay at the house until he come back.

When he arrived at the cottage, Louis didn’t bother knocking, he just let himself in. It was dark and there were no lights on. Louis walked into the dining room and he could see the outline of Chloe sitting at the table. He turned the light on, to see Chloe sat there, her face was all blotchy from where she had been crying so much.

Chloe- Why?

Chloe didn’t have much to say to Louis apart from that one question. Louis took a seat opposite her on the table.

Louis- Chloe, I love you and I know you love me, you might not love me right now but I know you do. I just feel like we have grown apart so much lately. You never want to seem to want to do anything anymore, I offer to take you out or a meal or a drink and you always turn it down. I always ask you if you want to come when all the boys are going out and you never want to. The only time you ever come out is when the whole gang are going out and then I never get to spend time with you. I don’t understand why you have been so distant.

Chloe- But why?

Louis- Why what? Chloe I don’t really know what to say. We have to move on. I have made my mind up and I don’t want to be with you anymore. I know it will be hard because we live in the same house but that’s the way it’s going to have to be I’m sorry.

Chloe- Why?

Louis- Chloe stop asking why, I have just fucking explained

Chloe’s eye grew wide at Louis, and he realised he had become too angry and apologised.

Chloe- It’s okay.

Louis- No its not I shouldn’t be getting angry at you.

Chloe- No I mean it’s all okay. Everything you have said, I understand.

Louis- Yeah but shouldn’t you be really mad at me and throwing things and stuff?

Chloe- I can’t be mad at you

Louis- But why?

Chloe- Because…

Louis- Because?

Chloe- I cheated on you as well.

Louis- YOU WHAT??????????????

Chloe- Don’t fucking get mad at me Louis!

Louis- Ok I won’t, I can’t but …. WHAT? What just happened? When? Why? WHO

Chloe- These past two weeks, I’m so sorry. I can’t tell you who.

Louis- Yes you can tell me who, and you will tell me who it is right now!

Chloe- Ok, his name is Zac and he is from England, you won’t know him.

Louis- How did you meet him if he lives in England?

Louis stopped for a moment and then his mouth dropped and he stared at Chloe. Chloe dropped her head and avoided looking at Louis.

The Unknown. One Direction and JLS fanficWhere stories live. Discover now