The Unknown. Part Twenty Three

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At the hospital Imy, Niall and Zayn sat in the waiting room. Courtney was in and out of consciousness and Harry was yet to wake up. Liam and Louis had been to visit but they had to go and get some food. When they returned no progress had been made.

"What if he never wakes up again Li?" Niall asked. He was shaking with fear. Remebering Harry running back into the house scared him. 

"Nialler think optimistically. He will wake up I promise. I know Harry he is strong he'll pull through." Niall shook his head. Imy wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled at him.

"Listen to Liam babe. He is right. He is daddy directioner after all. I believe him. Harry is strong and he will get through this." Niall finally nodded and smiled at Imy. He placed a kiss on her lips and Imy smiled into it. Just then the door swung open and everyone turned to face the door. 

"He is awake." Everyone stood up but the doctor shook his head. "He asked for Imy and Niall." Liam, Louis and Zayn all looked at each other confused. Imy stared at all the other boys. Niall tried to think of an excuse but he couldn't. The boys pushed it to the side and watched Imy and Niall walk into the cubicle. Harry was hooked up to a number of different machines, but he seemed okay apart from a black eye and his broken leg. 

Niall- Hey bro

Imy- What's the situation Harry?

Harry laughed at Imy's comment. She hadn't even said hello.

Harry- I'm fine if that is what you mean. Apparently I had a lucky escape. I was knocked unconscious by a bit of debris but it left no damage. Lucky me. So yeah I am okay. They are going to run a few more tests and then hopefully I can leave soon. This place stinks.

Imy and Niall laughed at Harry. He was right the hospital smelt disguisting and it was the last place they all wanted to be in. 

Imy- Only you would make a hospital joke. You could've been seriously hurt. You scared the shit out of me Styles. I cried and everything over you!!   

Harry winked at Imy and gave her a hug before looking at them both. His eyes went from joyful to hurt. He looked towards the window and sighed. 

Harry- I am so scared to ask this but how is Courtney?

Imy looked at Niall and Niall stared back at her. Harry was waiting for an answer but they just stared at each other.

Harry- She is dead isn't she. She was killed. This is all my fault!

Niall- None of this is your fault mate. She isn't dead either. She is in an induced coma at the moment. They are trying to sort her lungs out. They aren't functioning properly from the smoke.

Harry shook his head and tears fell down his cheeks.

Harry- Why her? Why not me? I should be dead. I should be in that coma.

Imy could feel herself becoming angry. She grabbed Harry's face and stared deep into his eyes. She never lifted her gaze.

Imy- This is not your fault Harry. So stop. You cannot watch Courtney 24/7 you have a job. You saved her. If you weren't there she could have died. You are not to blame.  

Harry nodded but Niall could see that he still blamed himself. 

Louise finally turned up at the hospital. As she walked towards the door she could see Natalie was outside smoking. Louise shook her head. "Natalie you really need to stop smoking." Natalie smiled at Louise and put the cigarette out and walked into the hospital with Louise. Louise found out from Imy what was going on with Harry and Courtney. Niall, Louise, Imy and Natalie sat in the waiting room while Zayn, Liam and Louis went to see Harry. Louis came out crying not long after seeing the state Harry was in. He sat next to Imy and laid his head on her shoulder, while she rubbed his back. Bruises covered Harry's face and he had cuts all along his arms. His ankle was in a cast, but luckily it wouldn't be for long. Natalie gave Louis a life home because he didn't want to be at the hospital for much longer. "We will be in here more if Natalie doesn't stop smoking." Imy laughed at Louise's comment. The doctor came to tell Louise and Imy that Courtney was awake and people could go and see her. They both went in together. Courtney was sat up in bed, looking tired and very upset.

Imy- Hey you

Courtney looked at the ceiling

Courtney- Imy I don't know why I am here? What has happened? 

Courtney started to cry and Imy and Louise ran to her bedside and started to hug her. She finally calmed down and looked for Imy and Louise for answers. They explained everything to her and she nodded, taking it all in. 

Courtney- The doctor said that I was going to be very confused for the next few days because of the coma? I remeber you though, all of you. How is Harry?

Imy- Better than you, that is for sure.

Courtney laughed and wiped the last few tears away. A doctor walked into the cubicle and asked Imy and Louise to leave so he could talk to Courtney alone. They needed to run some more tests because she took a lot of smoke in. They needed to check her brain and lungs now that she was awake. While the doctors where doing that Imy and Louise told Harry that Courtney was okay.

Harry went to visit Courtney after her scans. "Hey beautiful" He said before placing a kiss on her lips. Courtney smiled. "Hey you. Look I don't know what happened. I can't remember. None of it makes sense but I know you saved me and you ran back into that building. You bloddy twat." Harry started to laugh and cry. Courtney calmed him down. She reassured him. 

Courtney- I love you

Harry- I love you too. Forever and always.

Courtney asked Harry to leave while she went to sleep. Courtney wasn't able to leave the hospital anytime soon because they were stil running tests on her. Harry kissed Courtney's forehead before leaving the cubicle. 

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