chapter 21

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Austins POV

"So what happened during the drive?" Alex asked as we sat along the wet surface with our feet in the lake. The gigantic hole at the top shined beautiful yellow sunlight into the flooded lake below.

Ling thick vines and grasses growing on the cave walls and falling down from the hole above. I love coming here its serenity.

Stairs running alongside the cave walls, getting higher and higher. A platform of rock protruded from the cave wall so you can jump off.

Kate, the other girls, the crew and Calum swam their hearts out as we were the only group here. Echoes bounced from wall to wall. Laughter and joy made me smile and enjoy life.

"She told me what happened to Calum and her." I answered Alex's question. He raised his eyebrows and said "oh" so shocked.

"Why was wrong?" I asked while he scrunched his eyebrows. I can tell something was up.

"I'm surprised because she said she'll never tell anyone what happened to Calum and her besides me." He said while looking over at everyone.

"She said she'll never tell another soul unless she trusts that person." He uttered as he turned to me gave me a warning face.

"What AC?" I chuckled buy he was serious.

"She trusts you Austin." He said still staring at me but I looked over at Kate. She smiled and waved hi and I waved back.

"I don't want to see her hurt Austin. She's like a sister to me, you better not hurt her." He told me knowing what I was originally going to do with her.

But I'm not a relationship type. I don't want to be committed. After what happened with Cara, I honestly gave up looking for the one. After her death, I was heartbroken because of the secret she left. Love doesn't exist anyways.

Kate's POV

"That was fun." I said to Austin while we were driving back home from the lake. He nodded his head not caring what I said and looked at the road. Soft music was playing from his speakers and him looking tired.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him. He turned his head and said "Yea why?" then looked back at the road. The sun slowly going down and the warm air turned dim.

"You seem sad" I watched his face as he kept driving. My hands around my bag filled with wet clothes and head rested on top of it.

"If you want to talk about it you can tel-"

"I'm honestly fine." Austin interrupted my by placing his hand on my left knee and shaking it a bit. His touch gave me goosebumps.

"I'm okay." He turned his head and said with a fake smile. He let go of my knee and put it back onto the wheel. I was honestly holding my breathe because he touched my knee.


"I don't want to sound concerned but what's wrong with Austin ..." I asked the crew and Calum in the lake house. Calum looked at me but I quickly turned away. All the girls were upstairs besides me.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked as I looked out the window and watched Austin sit alone on the wooden dock near the lake.

I explained to all of them that he's been acting sad ever since the cave lake. Everyone shrugged and said I don't know but Alex seemed to know what's happening.

"I had a talk with him about Cara." Alex said openly as Rob and Zach turned their heads towards Alex like they know who she is. All I know is that she died. That's all I know.

"I don't think we should be talking about her, Alex." Zach said while sitting next to Rob. Rob agreed with him but Alex went on.

"Well if Kates going to be Austins future girlfriend she should know." Alex said as I feel my cheeks heat up. I chuckled nervously as everyone stared at me even Calum.

"I'm not goin-"

"Cara used to be his girlfriend until she died 2 years ago." Alex continued as everyone suddenly looked sad because of his statement.

"How?" I asked curious and Rob answered my question by saying "Car accident. It was a suicide."

"Anyways, Cara was Austins first true love." Alex added on to the story. If it was 2 years ago why does it seem like Austins not over it? And that's what I asked them.

"Basically after Caras death, Austin found a note specifically for him ..." All three of the boy looked at each other with sad eyes then back at me.

"It was her suicide note." Robert added and I feel my heart break. That's just horrible.

"The note explained to Austin that he wasn't the one for her and how she was seeing somebody else while she was seeing Austin." Zach said with vivid detail.

"Then why did she kill herself?" I asked confused but no one answered.

"That's the question we want the answer to. The only person who knows that is Austin." Alex said while looking into my eyes as I got up.

I made my way to the sliding doors until Alex asked what i was going to do.

"I'm going to talk to him." I said as they all said good luck and I proceeded on.

The walk to the dock is calm and relaxing. The warm wind and the dark night overcame me. I stepped one foot onto the dock as it was swaying with the lake. I see Austin sit there with his head held high and feet dangling onto the water.

"Hey." I said gently as he looked up at me. With a smile I can't really see he said hey.

"May I?" I asked while pointing to the spot next to him. Asking him if I can sit with him. It made me remember the party where Austin and I first met.

"You may." He uttered with a light chuckle. I rolled up my jeans and sat next to him while dipping my feet in the water just like what he's doing.

"So the boys told me about Cara." I said softly out loud as he turned his head towards me. Eyes lighted by the moonlight and his hair blowing in the wind. He bit his lip and looked forward at the lake.

I sat there watching him. Wondering what hes going to say next. I just want to help. Help cure the pain inside him.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but Yea :but anyways, 25 votes and I'll make chapter 22 :)

P.S- thanks for voting and commenting last chapter :) it means so much DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME MAHOMIES OR NON MAHOMIES :HAHAH ILY

❤ -A

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