chapter 45

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Kate's POV

"I never felt this way before ..." Austin whispers. My head resting on his left arm, my head tilted down so he can't see me. His fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

Both of us underneath the silk white covers. The boat swaying to the current, rocking us softly. I didn't move once he started speaking. I just laid here ... listening.

"I don't know if you can hear me but ..." his naked chest moves up as he sighs. "Deep down inside of me ... I don't want you to leave."

My eyes open while I hear his sweet morning voice. I don't look up, I don't say a word. I just ... listen.

"College is waiting for you over there in Orlando ... while I ... " his words turn into a whisper. "Stay here and work on my album ..." It becomes silent.

The sounds of water hitting the sides of the boat, the birds chirping outside telling me that its morning.

"I know you can't hear me because you're sleeping but ..." His thumb caressing my exposed shoulder. Waiting .

"I think I know your answer ..." His words gentle as the sound of a piano. "Now I know why you won't answer my question.

Will you be my girlfriend ...

"Distance ..." The word hung in the air. That's the overall reason why I don't want to be his girlfriend. Distance. Long distant relationships don't work. It just doesn't.

"Since you're sleeping, I need to get something out of my chest ..." His thumb moving circular motions on my shoulder. It feels ... right.

"I love you, Kate Johnson ..." A part of me wanted to hug him so tight and say it right back but another wanted me to keep pretending to sleep.

The silence after he said that made it awkwardly weird. What I've seen in movies ... the weaker one or the person more dependent on the other, says I love you first.

I'm not saying Austins weak, he's stronger than you might think. I'm talking about the characters in movies ...

But is Austin depending on me ? Why are you thinking about this? You're leaving, he's staying, that's it. Its done.

I squirm a little and release a fake yawn so he thinks I just woke up. He grasp me tighter and kissed my head then said "Goodmorning beautiful ..."

I sat up while wearing Austins t shirt and sat criss cross apple sauce beside him. His hand intertwined with mine as I look down at him.

His messy brown hair, big hazel eyes, rosy cheeks, and pink plump lips. As I examine his face, a smirk appears making me smile too.

"Goodmorning ..." I mumble slowly mesmerized by his looks and feelings. It feels like everything is going slow motion. His hazel orbs staring back at me, searching my face.

"Goodmorning." He whispers again while brushing his thumb across my knuckles and then kissing it.

"You said that already .." I mumble with a wide smile. Still mesmerized by .. him. "Did I?" He questions with laughter as I
He sits up and sits criss cross apple sauce in front of me. Pulling me closer to him so our knees touch.

I took this moment and just look at him as he did the same. I traced my thumb over all the small beauty marks on his cheek, traced it over his plump lips. Watching him, watching me ...

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