chapter 20

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Kate's POV

Austin and I sat in his car driving to the cave lake. After listening to Austin explain and tell stories about the lake, it seems like a beautiful yet fun place.

"But anyways. You should continue your story." Austin says as he looks on the road and smiles.

"The story about Calum?" I ask him and he nods. I tell him that there's nothing to say but he forced me onto telling him.

"Why are you so mad at him then?" He question as he glances at me then back at the road.

"Its what he did that ended our friendship." I said looking out the window.

"Well. I told Calum what Briana did to me but he didn't believe me. He said that "she's not like that" or "she's not that type of person".

"I obviously didn't believe that because she's an evil two timing whore." I explain as he nods his head.

"How is she a two tim-"

"She was cheating on Calum with this other guy named Michael but I didn't tell him."

"Then what happened?"

"I told him about Briana and her cheating on him" I said remembering that day. The day that I will never forget.


"What?" Calum looked into my soul with his puppy eyes as he turned around to Briana and asked her if it was true. Of course she said it wasn't true but she's trying to save herself.

Everyone surrounding all 3 of us in a circle after school outside and watched all this drama spill out. It seems like a beautiful day. A day were nothing can go wrong.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you baby." Briana said while walking close to him as he gave into her bullshit.

"She lying to you Calum!!" I scream and he turns around to me and stood in between us. Like he was choosing which side to go on.

"Don't listen to her, baby. She's lying because she wants to cover up her secret." She stared at me knowing what she's going to say next. With tears rolling down my cheeks Calum turned to me and asked "what secret?"

With no words coming out Briana filled them in with her lies.

"She telling you that I'm cheating on you because she wants you all to herself." Briana stood next to Calum as she wrapped her arm behind his neck and stared down at me.

Calum stood there with his eyes on me, lips parted slightly and eyebrows raised.

"I-is that true?" He asked with his accent. The part where I like him is true but the rest isn't.

"The part where I like you is but-"

"But she just wants us apart." Briana said but didn't let me finish what I was about to say.

"This stupid nerd basically wants what she's never going to have." She said as I feel my heart breaking. I feel like I'm loosing Calum every time she speaks.

I looked at Calum as I see his eyes watering. He had a look on his face like I just betrayed him.

"See I knew you never liked Briana." His voice grew stronger as stepped closer to me and pointed at me with his finger.

I stepped back as Briana gave me a evil glare. I hit the school wall and watched Calum believing her lies.

"No Calu-"

"NO KATE .. I trusted you .." He shut me up as tears were running down my face. I looked up at him and saw tears falling from his eyes.

"You were my best friend Kate." His voice cracked as I wiped my tears away but more were coming down.

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