chapter 47

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Austin's POV

"I wish I can be there ..." Kate's voice came through the speaker from my phone. Everyone hurtled around my phone and shouting out new things that happened while she is gone.

Everyone shouting Thanksgiving is different without her and we wish her a great Thanksgiving. The crew, Becky and some of Kate's family members gather around the dinner table and eat the delicious turkey and mash potatoes.

Her laughter emulating through the phone and making me smile. Making me remember her sweet laugh. Oh how i miss it.

Everyone hushs as she begins explaining why she isn't here. How her classes run from 10am to 12 pm at night and that she needs to take extra time to study.

"Well im definitely coming next time you guys get together ..." She speaks while chuckling as everyone has a smile on their face especially her moms.

"You better be here on Christmas day sweety" Kate's mom utters while I hold the phone watching her wait for Kate's response.

"Most definitely mom." She says then tells us that she needs to go. With that we all said our goodbyes and before I was going to say something to her, she hung up.

I wanted to talk to her but she hung up too quickly. I need to hear her voice, her sweet voice.


"Oh she's not ..." Alex speaks disappointed while holding his phone against his ear. "She's not coming home for Christmas?" He asks Kate's mom as I hear "no im sorry Alex." Through the phone.

He blinks and gave me a im-okay face but he isn't. The frosty snowflakes sticking to the window pane as the wood from the fireplace burned and kept us warm.

"Okay. Thanks for the update Mrs. Johnson." His words turn into a sigh then hung up. The cold December air blowing its choas outside.

I'm not surprised Kate's not coming. She already missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, Alexs birthday ... my birthday. It would be a miracle if she came for her moms Christmas party which we were invited to.

I still have hope because a few seconds after Alex hung up the phone with Kate's mom, Kate called me. My palm sweaty and heart racing. Its been so long since I've heard her voice. I pressed the green button and spoke.

"Kate .. Hey." I say with my most chill voice. She then began explaining herself. Explaining how she can't make it like the afternoon on Thanksgiving.

"You see my car broke down and I couldn't get it to start again so I ..." I cut her off by telling her its fine. She's panicking about this whole thing.

"Its fine Kate ..." I mumble while pacing back and forth. Watching the Christmas tree that the crew and I put up light up its different colors.

"Everyone must hate me right now ..." Her voice innocent and soft. I can picture her looking down and feeling ashamed.

"No one hates you. They're just a little disappointed ..." I watch Alex and the boys get their stuff ready for this party Kate's mom had planned.

"I'm sorry I can't make it. Tell my mom I said hi and sorry for not making it." She mumbles through my phone as I hold it against my ear. Watching as the boys walk out the front doors and telling me to come on.

"I'll be there New Years .." She says positive that she is but something deep inside me tells me she isn't. I don't know, we'll never know.

As I close the front door and the cold air brush against my back, I say "Merry Christmas Katie ..." softly and listen for her to say it back. I hear her lightly chuckle and she says "Merry Christmas Austin ..." then she hangs up.

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