chapter 3

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Kate's POV

"Class ..." Mrs. Riley quiet us down as we all faced forward and watch Austin. He stood there taller than Mrs. R and had a nervous expression on his face but that smile was so warm and inviting.

"This is Austin Mahone and I would like to say that he'll be joining us for the rest of the school year .." She states as everyone starts clapping for some reason.

I don't know why but Austin intrigued me. He seems like one of those guys in the movies who would give you flowers and chocolates when you're sad. He seems very sweet and caring.

I don't know but next thing I knew, Austin was placed on the Tenors side .. Right next to the Altos side (where I am). I furtively looked over at him and kinda admired him a little.


I didn't know I was staring for a long time until he smiled arrantly at me and waved hi. I quickly sat back in my seat and felt my heart racing.

Why is my heart racing ?? Omfg this is odd.

After doing warm ups to get our voices going, we started leaning new materials for the next concert. There was gonna be a solo for a boy and girl but I didn't want to do it.

"Come on do it Kate ..." Ana, my friend, nudges me into doing it but I said no.

Next thing I knew, Mrs. R said have a great day and be safe. The bell rings and everyone starts making their way out of the door. I sit down on my chair and fix my books. I zip my bag closed and hold my Physics book in my hands.

I look around and everyone is gone besides Mrs. R and me. I fix my big Ray Ban glasses, said bye to Mrs. R and walk out of the door.

Yes I have glasses. Don't make fun of me okay. I just got these glasses about a week ago,so don't make fun.

FREE AT LAST. I walk out the doors and feel the warm sunshine hit my face which feels amazing. Being crammed in 4 classroom for an hour and a half each is ... horrible.

As I was walking I wonder where Austin is. But that thought got lost in my mind once I see him standing next to a red range Rover that had black spots on it. Nice car.

He looks cool and relax while standing there, like he was waiting for someone. After looking at him while walking I realize that his hair is light brown when the sun hits it and that his eyes are gorgeo- oh my god.

I honestly need to stop. I'm fangirling over a boy that doesn't even know me.

I feel my heart beat faster as he looks over at my direction. I continue walking through the large parking lot, pretending I wasn't looking at him.

As I pass his car, I slowly turn my head back and secretly look at him. He was standing there observing me with his intimidating orbs while I walk.

Arms cross, head faced towards me, eyes squinted and a smirk planted on his admirable face.

I quickly face forward when he waves hi at me again. I sigh and held my Physics book in my hands. He caught you staring, you dummy. My thoughts insulted me.

While speed walking away, I mentally punch myself for not stopping and making conversation with him. Or waving hi back. That's just rude of me.

"HEY!!" I hear as I turn back around slowly. Wondering why he was calling my name.

I stand there watching him run towards me. I notice how amazing he looks. How he doesn't put enough effort in looking so good. The way the sunlight beamed on his hair gave it an appearance that it looked luscious and eliminating.

"Yeah." I say confused as he stops in front of me, gasping for air. It took him a couple of seconds to catch his breathe but he stood up and smile.

"I just noticed something .." He states with a hint of confidence.

I don't know why I think he's attractive. Maybe its the way he talks, or maybe its the way he looks like fetus Ryan Reynolds or a fetus Leonardo DiCaprio.

"What did you notice?" I ask admiring his confidence.

He looks up and says "That I don't know your name .." He smiles again showing me his white teeth. The angle I was looking at him reminds me the night I first saw him. When I saw him at the party. His hair ... Eyes ... Lips.

Oh my godddd his lips ...

"What?" I ask getting lost in his appearance. He laughs then looked down at me. His sweet laugh gives me goosebumps.

He raises his eyebrows and said "What's your name?" For some odd reason, I completely blank out. I stood there like a fool.

"Because .. Every time I see you. I say "hey!" to catch your attention." He smiles with his gorgeous teeth and my heart beats faster again.

"Uhhh No Habla English ..." I slowly close my eyes and furrow my eyebrows. I pinch the bridge of my nose as i feel my cheeks heat up as I mentally smack myself.

Why would you say that Kate ? You are so weird .. Oh my god.

"What?" He asks scrunching his eyebrows with confusion and a smile crept on his face during.

"Oh god .. I am so sorry .. I'm such a weirdo .." I put my hands over my face so he doesn't see my cheeks getting red.

"No its fine." I hear him chuckle the words. I uncover my face as a huge smile was on his.

We both start laughing at my embarrassing moment while the parking lot start getting empty.

I guess Austin wasn't waiting for anyone after all.

"Um ... I'm Kate .. Kate Johnson." I hold my hand out and he shakes it still chuckling.

"Nice to meet you Kate .." He says letting go and running his fingers through his hair again. I want to do that- oh god stop Kate.

Awkward silence came right after that. I look around and not that much people are left in the parking lot.

"Well .. I have to go .." I mumble turning back and looking at my small Toyota car that was parked.

"Yea me too." His smile fades as he licked his lips and bite his bottom lip.

"Okay bye." I talk back as he said bye. I turn around and start walking to my car.

Why did you say that ? You're so stupid Kate ... I beat myself about it while walking away from him.When I finally made to my car I hear him call my name out.

"Yea !!" I scream opening my car door.

"I'll see you tomorrow right !!" He yells as I smile to myself.

"Yea I'll see you tomorrow !!" I shout back as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

He waves bye and so did I. I got in my car, turned the ignition on and drive home, waiting to tell my mom what happened.

I want this to happen to me !! Hdisjdkdd but omfg 3 more days until Christmas !! YASSSSHAHAHA

Don't forget to vote ;) 5 votes and I'll make chapter four :)

HEYYYY !! Comment what you think about this chapter ! Should It be longger ? Shorter ? Tell me want you think about it :) okay hahahaa

I'll see you next time :) byeeee

❤ -A

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