chapter 30 -

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Kate's POV

I sat on the floor with my back against the wall. Hearing screaming coming from the basement. Its been at least 30 minutes and they're still going at it.

Fights like this reminds me of my parents arguing. They never want me to be near them when they have an argument.

I can't make out what their saying but I hear blah blah .. blah .. BLAH! BL BLAH!. Its like the noise Charlie Brown hears whenever a teacher talks to him.

"He seems .. different." I hear a male voice beside me and i knew its Rocco. I look to my right and he stood there leaning against the wall, feet away from me. I know hes talking about Austin.

"He's been happier and less more of a hot head." Rocco chuckled and so do i, remembering Angry Austin. He began explaining that he gets his work done easily than before. Rocco clarified Austin work life before me.

"He used to be distracted you know ..." He crossed his arms and the ends of lips curled up into a slight smile. He cleared his throat as i hear more yelling coming from downstairs.

"Distracted with girls throwing themselves at him ... his fame" Its seems like Rocco felt sad for Austin.

"He was very inattentive, um ... unfocused, mad even ..." Rocco chuckled at the word mad. Why is he telling me this?

"But now hes surprisingly fixated and a lot more happy .." He looked into my eyes with gratitude. All i can do is smile. BUT WHY IS HE TELLING ME THIS?

"Whatever you're doing to him ... don't stop." He shook his head with joy and that's what confused me.

I'm not doing anything to him. I'm just spending time with him. The sentence he just said put a humongous weight on my shoulders. I remembered what Austin told me an hour ago. Promise you won't leave me after today ...

Why would i leave him? What makes him think i'll leave him? Why is Rocco telling me not to stop what I'm doing because Austins getting better. Something is not right.

"What is he hiding?" I asked abruptly while standing up. Rocco didn't look into my eyes, he looked down and sighed deeply. So he is hiding something. oh no.

He unhurriedly lifted his head up and looked into my eyes. "I don't think i should be the one to tell you ..." He bit his lip and my mind started asking so many question. Like what is he hiding? Is it bad? Is Austin gay? no. hes not gay.

Everything went silent. No screaming from downstairs, the house too quiet. With a rush i opened the basement door open and ran down the stairs. Wanting Austin to tell me what the hell is going on.


"Austin, what are you not telling m-"

"TELL HER AUSTIN" I hear Alex roar as i made it down the stairs.

"I wont, Alex. shes not ready." Austin uttered as i stared at the back of his head. Rob and Zachs eyes fixated on me besides Alex and Austin as my lips parted. I gulped ready for whats about to come up.

Alex's eyes shifted slowly to mine like he just found out i was standing before them. Austin turned his back as i was standing here watching and listening to whats going on.


"Tell me what Austin ..." I interrupted him with my soft tone of voice. His eyes fluttered closed then he shook his head.

"I'm not ready for what?" I questioned but no one answered. Which freaked me out. "Nothing .." He chuckled while opening his eyes and started walking closer to me.

"No ... no ... STOP LYING AND TELL ME ..." I shout, fed up with this lying game. I know hes lying so why wont he tell me? Everyone's eyebrows shot up, surprised that i had it in me. I mentally patted my back.

Austin looked down and didn't say a word. Everyone's eyes on Austin as his lips didn't move. "Go on, Austin ... tell her or i will." Alex uttered in a rude manner but he didn't budge.

"Austin -"

"I use girls .." Austin looks dead into my eye and said that. He sounded guilty even. Well how many girls did he use?

"For their money and stuff ?" I asked dumbfounded. They all chuckled at my dumb comment besides Austin. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "For sex." He spoke which was unexpected .. So he isn't gay.

I feel everyone's eyes burning into my skull as i look around and took a big breath. Was he leading me on this whole time? Am I a rebound? Was he going to use me for sex ? I'm still a virgin, i hope he knows that.

"So were you going to use me?" My voice cracked as i looked into his culpable eyes. I feel my eyes getting teary but i held them in. Be strong Kate.

After i asked him that question, his eyes looked everywhere else besides me. Memories of Austin holding my hand and hugging me tight in his chest flashed pass my eyes.

The memory of him hugging me on the side of the road when i told him about Calum. The memory of us holding hands while ice skating and him kissing me sweetly. He then closed this eyes and nod his head up and down and mumbled "yea .."

All the meaningful kisses and all the moments we had was just him leading me on. I bit the skin on my bottom lip and looked up. My hands turned cold, eyes tearing but i instantly wiped these worthless tears away.

"I never meant to hurt you, Cara." My heart stopped again and it feels like someone punched me in the chest. My heart in my throat and a expression of disgust. I shook my head and he look me in the eyes like he knew he messed up.

"Kate i didn-" He reached for my arm but i jumped back. Still stuck on him calling me Cara.

"NO! ... don't touch me." I whimpered while holding the area of my arm he was about to touch. Everyone looking down, knowing that Austin messed up. I didn't know i was crying until i wiped a tear away from my face.

"Goodbye Austin .." I uttered as he lifted his head up and stared with his tearful eyes. He blinked as if he just realized what hes loosing. Then he spoke.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me  .." He sobbed as i stepped on the first stair and looked back at him. His eyes watering and a different side of Austin has been revealed. Heartbroken Austin. My heart hurting physically and heart breaking emotionally.

Promise you won't leave me after today ... Austins words replayed in my head. I recall when i pinky promises him i wouldn't leave before i left the basement and went upstairs.

"Promises were meant to be broken ..." I left just like that. I left him standing there completely oblivious to whats going on. Everything we use to have or now had are ... gone.

I left you at a cliffhanger .. hahah welllllllllll do you guys like this chapter ? Its fine if you don't but heyyy the climax has to happen either way ..

but i would love to dedicate this chapter to miss @Lovely_Mahomie15 :) I've been reading your comments lately and i just want to say ... you're a lovely mahomie ..

don't forget to vote .. bc you love me and i love you back ahha :) 30 votes and ill make chapter 31 ! :)

comment if you want to be dedicated next chapter :) ill be looking at the comments and picking one lucky person to dedicate it to sooo comment as much as you want :)


❤ -A

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