chapter 7

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Kate's POV

When I get home I went upstairs and plop on my bed. Another exhausting day of school and another day of making awkward eye contact with Austin.

Although today was all about Alex talking about how he didn't take a test because of a substitute. It was pretty funny watching his have his little tantrum.

But the weirdest thing happened at lunch today. Here let me tell you about it.


"So when I can't remember the information, its completely gone from my head." Alex continues complaining as we made it to the cold, food smelling cafeteria.

I got a deli and smothered it with mayo and Alex got a pizza. He always gets a cheese pizza, although I never seen him eat anything else he seems fine with it.

After getting out food we went and sat at our round table next. There sat Becky, Sara(Alex's girlyfriend-or girlfriend), Robert and Zach. Zach and Robert are Alex's friends, Ive only know them for a year though.

We all sit near a wall of mirrors. Mirrors that would let me see the outside. I love the mirrors because they make me feel like I'm not trapped in this prison for 8 hours a day.

As I greet everyone I pull a chair and sat down making myself comfortable. They all greet me back and continue eating.

"Just letting you guys know ... My friend is gonna sit here. If this okay with you, Kate." I look up and notice that Robert is talking to me.

"That's fine." I say as he smiles widely and drinks his carton of chocolate milk.

"Anyways, how are you gu-"

Im then interrupted by Austin coming over and pulling a chair to our table. With confusion in my eyes, I say 'hey' not making it seem awkward (but really is).

"Um this is Austin guys ..." Robert introduces him by patting Austins shoulder. Alex and Zach nod their heads and seemed comfortable with him.

Sara and Becky said hi but Becky already knows Austin and Sara just said it due to kindness.

"Hey Kate." Austin speaks with a tone of comfort. I looked up and his hazel yet gorgeous eyes watch me chew my sandwich.

"Hey" I scrunch my nose and push my glasses toward my face because its falling again. I smile to myself for some reason.

After a couple awkward silences Austin began making up conversations with the rest of us. Talking about how his classes were incredibly easy. He shared a common interest with each one of us.

Especially Zach, Rob and Alex which surprises me.

"But did Alex tell you ?" Austin mumbles to me while leaning on the table. I gaze at Alex while furrowing my eyebrows. He squirms with an uneasy movement.

"Tell me what?" I ask both of them as Alex nods his head 'no' towards Austin.

"That we were friends." Austin speaks louder the other people in the lunch room. Like hes announcing it to the whole school.

"And I need to know that why? ... " I ask him with my eyebrows creasing while he shrugs and smiles widely to myself.

Slowly but surely, physics class came and I couldn't help but to get violent -but silent- at Alex.

'How can you not tell me you knew Austin? >:O' I scribble on a piece of paper as I quickly took a look up at Austin sitting in front of me.

I then slowly slide the note across my table to Alex's as he takes it and reads it. As hes reading it, I carefully watch Mr.V so when he looks up I can signal Alex that he was looking.

While Alex's writing on the paper with his short pencil, i take my glasses off and start cleaning it with my shirt. I just notice that I am blind from back here. Like I can't see a word on the chalkboard.

I put my glasses back on as I hear the crumple of paper, hinting me that Alex's passing the note back to me.

It says 'I thought you would've got mad if I told you ..'. After I read it I kinda felt bad. I'm acting like a mother, I should stop.

"I'm not mad .." I whisper to Alex softly as he smiles lightly and nod his head okay. His blonde highlights glisten in this lighting.

'Are there any other secrets you should tell me about?' I write on the paper and slide it onto his desk. After a few seconds later he lean towards me and said ...

"I'll text it to you after school." He whispers and leans back as I nod and continue doing my physics problems.

End flashback.

So that's what I'm waiting for. Waiting for Alex to text me the "secret". After waiting for a couple of hours, I gave up and started my honors history homework.

If you want advise about high school, don't take honors history in your senior year. Its horrifying! I'm passing with a A-, so I don't know why I'm worrying.

After finishing my Economics and History homework my phone start to vibrate. Telling me that I either got text or a missed call.

I put my pin in my phone -just in case someone steals it- and look at my notification. I got a text.


I squint wondering if I know the number so i click on the unknown message.

'Hey Kate. Its Austin from chorus and physics. How are you? :)'

I read as my eyes widen. The first thing that came to my mind was ..

How. And. Why. Did. Austin. Get. My. Numero. ??

Numero is number in Spanish ... I think hahahaa i suck at Spanish :D

But anyways !! What do you guys think ?? Is it good? Bad ?? Horribly good ? Horribly bad ? tell me what you think :) 

But anyways, the number I posted may or may not be real .. Hahahah I heard that was Austins number sooooo do what you want with it :)

Anyways !!!! 10 votes and I'll make chapter 8 !! Thanks for reading this chapter and dont forget to vote lovelies :)

❤ -A

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