chapter 11

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Austins POV

"I messed up Alex!!" I barge in his room as he's laying on his bed with a XBox controller in his hands. He suddenly pause the game and set it down to hear me rant.

He asks me what happened and I begin explaining to him that I didn't get to kiss her and how awkward it was.

"Every girl I take out, wants me to kiss her !!" I flop on his bean bag as I run my fingers through my hair.

"And --"

"And we didn't kiss !!" I yell while gazing up at the ceiling. It pisses me off for some reason. 

I start explaining how I tried holding her hand but she pulled away. How I tried to hug her tight but she literally pushed me away and went inside her house.

"How come this is happening? I'm off my game AC ..." I complain as he sits there and takes all the information in.

"What are you planning on doing with Kate?" He asks protectively. I look at him with guilty eyes.

I'm planning on doing what I always do with girls. Hit it then quit it.

As we begin arguing, Alex starts talking about how she's his best friend. It started off from Kate being his best friend to "why do you use girls like that?"

"Because its just me!!" I yell frustrated at the fact that he always asks me that question. Every time I text 2 or 3 different girls he always scolds me.

Why do you do this? What do you do that! He's like a parent.

"You weren't like this before." Alex speaks as I shut up. I stare at the wall trying to block him out but I couldn't. My heart racing knowing where he's going with this.

"You became like this after her." He continues as I glare directly into his eyes. I point at him with seriousness in my eyes.

"You said you will never ever bring her up again." I mumble with my voice shaking. My heart started hurting again as if it happened yesterday.

"I'm sorry but its the truth." He shrugs while closing his eyes. With my nostrils flaring, fist clenching and eyes tearing: I decide to just leave it at that.

I get up and walk out his door, leaving the conversation hanging like always. Regretting ever walking into his room.

Kate's POV

"What happened ?" I ask him while we sat on the swing set. The warm Sunday breeze brush pass my shoulder as I looked at Austin. He sat on the swing next to me and stare forward.

I was surprised by him texting me yesterday that he wanted to hung out again. I was nervous but it seems like something was wrong with him.

As he was looking into the distance, his hazel eyes shined bright while the sunshine beamed on them. His hair stood up and blowed flawlessly in the wind.

"Yesterday ... AC and I fought." He say helplessly. His head turns towards me and by his eyes, I can tell they fought about something that hurt him.

I ask him what was it about but he shook his head. He look down at his hands as he nervously swang back and forth: not moving his feet off the ground.

"I can't ..." He shakes his head and looks away. The tone in his voice seemed like he's been hurt. Hurt ... badly.

"Austin ..." I didn't know how to respond so I just sat there waiting. Sit here wondering what can possibly hurt his feelings.

Maybe its about his dad. At the party he said he only had one parent. His dad died. But why would they be fighting about his dad?

"Is it about your dad ?" I ask curiously but he nodded no. Then "what is it?" I ask him but he still didn't respond.

"You said you needed to talk. Talk about the fight you had with him." I try persuading him into telling me what happened.

He then turns his head towards me as I did the same. We both look at each other, waiting for someone to talk.

I suddenly see his eyes tear up as he sniffs and runs his fingers through his hair. I don't know what to do so I just wait.

He then looks up with his red cheeks and plump lips. The innocence in his eyes looks up at me and he bit down on his bottom lip.

"Her name was Cara." He mumbles with a shaky voice and a story to tell.

Soooo what do you guys think of this chapter ??

It snowed today !! I was happy and sad because it hasn't snowed in a while and my feet were freezing !! Hahaaa

You know what to do :) 15 votes and I'll make chapter 12 :)

To pernounce Cara's name it sounds like "car" and then "ah" so Yea :D

Comment what you think !! Comment anything :) I'll see you guys in chapter 12 !!

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