chapter 8

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Kate's POV

'Hey Austin ... how did you get my number?' I respond back while staring at my phone. Refreshing the page waiting for him to text me back.

'I got it from Alex ;) how are you?' Austin texts back a minute later. I sit here wondering why Alex would give him my number.

I stare at his text with awe. The winky face gave me a queasy feeling but it makes me smile for some reason.

As I was texting Austin back, my phone then vibrates again. I take a look at my notification and its a text message from Alex.

I close out of Austins messages and then went to Alex's.

'Okay I need to tell you something.' Alex finally texts me. I ask him 'what is it?' as I send it and quickly text Austin back.

'I'm good' I send the text wanting to put myself more out there but didn't at the same time. As my dad would say "Play hard to get." and Im going to.

After turning my phone off waiting for both of them to text me back I set it down on my bed. Closing my textbooks and putting away my flash cards and pens in my bag.

I start thinking why Austin's texting me. Why me? Why now? My phone then vibrates beside me. I pick it up swiftly and open my messages.

'I was wondering if we can hang out ?' I read Austins text as a smile creeps on my face. My palms became sweaty with anxiousness.

'I can't ...'

I text Austin back as pat myself on my back. Oh yea Kate ... Play hard to get. I start nodding to myself then stop realizing how stupid I look.

'Austin and I live together ...' Alex texts me as different thoughts came across my mind.

'I thought you had a girlfriend.' I text Alex back with laughter coming after. I knew he meant the other living together but i thought it would've been funnier if i took it the wrong way.

He then began texting me that he's known Austin and I the longest and how Austin and I are his best friends. Its kinda funny because I thought he and Austin were "together" ahhh how stupid am I?

Austin starts texting how much he wants to hang out with me but I don't want to. Playing hard to get is fun. Too fun.

I fell asleep texting Austin and Alex. But when I woke up it was 12 at night. I turn my phone on I see 2 notifications. One from Austin and one from Alex.

'Pleeeeeease???' Austin texts me wanting to hang out but I keep on insisting no!

'But do you know about Austin?' Alex texts me before I went to sleep.

'Know what?' I text Alex back. A few minutes later I receive a text from him.

'That he's famous ...' I read and articulated every single word trying to understand what's happening.

How's he famous ? He's not famous ... How can he be famous ?

Suddenly I remember how there were girls were following him in the hallways. I always thought those were his disciples or something.

I then take my phone and search 'Austin Mahone' on google. All of sudden there were a whole bunch of searches of him in interviews and pictures of him on instagram and twitter.

Images of him in photo shoots and taking pictures with his fans. I scroll down the Google images list and see a whole bunch of pictures of Austin, Rob, Zach, and Alex.

This is weirdly cool. I know a famous person. A smile grew from ear to ear as i chuckle. I scroll down my

I click on one of the links on google and it brought me to Twitter. I was going to throw my phone against the wall when I saw the he had a verified account and that he had over 7M followers.

I only have 100 followers but i never use mine so that explains why i don't have a lot of followers.

Maybe Austin buys his followers. I thought but that sounds a little bit thirsty if you ask me.

During my research of Austin my phone sudden vibrates. I close out of Twitter and I open the notification.

'Please hang out with me Kate :'( ' Austin texts me as I fangirl a little.

A famous person is texting me.

Dbkamdlddomfg HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE !! YEEEEEE I'm at this stupid party ... I dont want to be here :( everyone's dancing .. I can't dance :/

Soooo you already know what to do :) 10 votes and I'll make chapter 9 !!!

Bsksmddl I just noticed that I have 500K views on Scattered !! Yeee thank you everyone !! I love yaaaasss

I'll see you guys in chapter 9 :)

❤ -A

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