chapter 12

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Austins POV

"Whose Cara?" Kate asks with sympathy in her brown eyes. The light wind blew softly through the leaves of the trees and throughout the Sunday afternoon.

I can't believe im actually telling this to someone who aren't my boys.

I clear my throat and utter "She used to be my girlfriend." almost choking on these words. Her eyebrows rise and lips part a bit. Her glasses block her eyes as her bangs fell lightly on her forehead.

"We ... Uh ..." I sigh while looking down at my hands. Trying to put into words what happens between us.

"Its okay .. You can tell me." Her sweet voice pass my eardrums as I close my eyes and surprisingly opening up to her.

"We were together for 3 years." I gaze up at her while she raises her eyebrows again. It seems like she was shocked to hear that.

"What happened?" I watche her lips move in sync with her words. I take a deep breathe in and looked up at the sky.

"Ahhh .. She .." I furrow my eyesbrows and stand up from the swing. While catching her off guard I ask her to walk with me.

The air seems heavy and my heart feels like it was pumping 10 times faster than before. As we were walking I notice how beautiful it is outside.

The light yellow leaves on the trees, the sunlight shining against the grass which made it glisten beautifully.

"Ah ..." I stop walking as she stop too. I look up at her and sniff.

"She died." I mumble with a hush tone. She stands beside me giving me her condolences.

The ache in my stomach appears out of nowhere. It twists and turned making me have a quezy feeling. The tears are held back, trying not to cry in front of her.

I put my hands in my pocket and kept walking. She asks me how did she die but I don't want to answer that question. Not right now.

"I think we should stop talking about this depressing topic." I chuckle while i wipe a light tear from my eye.

I never told this to a person before. My mom and the boys know but I never told another person this information about myself.

"Yea sure." She speaks hushly. Her hands were in her coat pockets so I couldnt hold her hand.

"Is it okay if I told you something?" She asks while we both are walking on this long path around the park.

"Sure." I smile gently waiting for her to tell me.

Kate's POV

"Its kinda personal ..." I confess but he insists on making me tell him.

"So don't laugh." I stay serious. He nods and smiles perfectly.

"I've never been in a .. Uh .." I hesitate for a couple of seconds.

"Relationship?" He completes my sentence. I look at him surprised but he smirks and nods his head.

"Yea how did you know?" I asks anticipating on his answer. He laughs which makes me feel bad. What is he laughing at?

"I can tell ..." He chuckles as I stop instantly. He continues walking but then stops, realizing that I wasn't walking beside him.

"How can you tell?" I start getting offended. I fix my glasses because it was falling.

"I mean look at you." He speak with a chuckle in between each word. He looks at my outfit and then back at my eyes. His eyes wide open and a cocky smile on his face.

I look down at myself, examining my black penny skirt with black stocking on, blue flats that matches the color of my hollister coat. I then look back at him with confusion.

My outfit is adorable.

"Excuse me." My voice gets louder. He starts walking closer to me knowing that he just offended me but I back away.

"What do you mean by "I mean look at you"?" I mock him as his face became serious. Now realizing what he has done.

"I didn't mean it like that .." He says while shaking his head and eyebrows rising.

"Then how did you mean it?" I question him. I glare into his eyes that are filled with forgiveness.

"I'm sorry." He speaks with sweetness in his voice. I look down and remember how everyone made fun of me because of the way I look.

I've had glasses for my whole life. I started using contacts so the bullying would stop but since I don't have enough money anymore, I started using glasses again.

I havent been bullied yet but I get constant stares. It just bothers me because this is who I am. I'm me; you can't change me.

"Its fine." I say quietly as I continue walking. When it turned 7, Austin brang me home with his rover. We hung out with Alex and the boys, it wasn't awkward because I know them already.

I got out of the car as Austin walked me to my front porch again. My hands sweaty and heart racing, remembering what happened the last time he walked me to his porch.

"Uh ... Can I ask you something?" Austin ask as we both made it to the porch. He stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets and hair blowing in the light wind. I nod.

"For the 3 day break next week, would you like to come with me and the boys to a lake house?" He questions as he looks down into my eyes.

He begins explaining how the others have girlfriends and how he wants to bring me.

"I just don't want to be alone." He utters rocking back and forth. I smile shyly and push my glasses towards my face.

Stupid glasses.

"Sure I'll be glad to co-"

I'm then interrupted by my front door opening. I turn quickly to whoever has open it. My dad stands there with one hand on the door knob and the other on his hip.

"Right on time. Dinners ready" he speaks with a jolly voice as he motions Austin and I to come inside.

"Dad no-" I mouth the words while he gave me a -come inside now- face. Austin holds the door open and follows my dad inside.

"Austin .." I whisper loudly while glaring at him. He grins widely and mouthes the words "come on."

I sigh deeply and close my front door, wondering what's gonna happen at the dinner table.

Omfg did you guys see Austin's new hair cut and piercing ... I like it ! it looks good on him haha

Anywaysssss don't forget to vote !!

Heyyy comment what you guys think :) comment anything. Not bad comments though :)

15 votes and I'll make chapter 13 :)

P.S-I just want to say thank you for the people who commented in the previous chapters :) it means so muchthank you again and I'll see you guys next chapter

❤ -A

The Unspoken Love (Austin Mahone Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें