chapter 32 -

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Kate's POV

"Wake up Katie ..." Austin wakes me up by leaning over me and pecking me cheek with a soft kiss. His naked body beside me as we both lay underneath the soft bed sheets.

I held the blanket over my naked body trying to cover my exposed skin. Hair loose and sunlight coming through the curtains as Austin got up and put his boxer briefs and ripped blue jeans on.

He hovered next to me while placing a soft kiss on my left cheek. "I had a great night .." He whispered in my ear then leaving a wet kiss underneath my earlobe.

"Me too .." I mumbled not remembering what happened last night. I guess we did it.

He leaned away and gave me one of his famous smirks while biting his bottom lip. He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear as his thumb unhurriedly caress my cheek. I close my eyes as my body melts, oh how i miss his touch.

"I don't do relationships though .." He spoke sharply as if the sweetness in his tone went away. I quickly open my eyes and noticed he had disappeared.

The feeling of loneliness and pain overpowered my body. The melancholy feeling of heartache, betrayal ... disappointment.

I gasp for air as i jump in my sleep. Everything is normal. My clothes are still on, my heart beating 100 beats a minute. Its just a dream Kate. I thought to myself as i feel relieved.

I turned my phone on and look at the time. 9:30 am. SHIT ! i jump out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom. I overslept and I'm late for school. Great. Just great.


When i got home, i threw my bag on my bed and checked my phone for messages. The bed reminded me of my dream this morning. I cant believe i dreamt that Austin and I had sex. Ugh.

10 messages from Alex, 2 from Calum, 1 from Becky ... none from Austin.

10 messages from Alex. i haven't responded back though. If i replied, he would bring up the topic of Austin and i don't want to to think about him right now.

I've seen Austin in school but he doesn't look at me or even talk to me. Which makes me feel even more shitty. Considering the fact that i left him when he needed me the most. So i decided not to acknowledge him.

Its the last month of high school and then I'm done. Its been 2 months since you broke your promise and left Austin alone. My subconscious thought as i shook my head to get the memories out of my thick skull.

Anyways one more week until I'm officially a 13th grader. I got accepted to my dream college by the way, but that same something is still missing. I should be happy right ? I'm not.

Sometimes i feel like running away to clear my mind.

Austins POV

My phone starts vibrating out of nowhere. I squint my eyes and look at the time on my phone ... its 2:15 am.

Who the hell is calling me at 2:15 in the morning? and why the hell is anyone awake at this time?

I sighed and look at the caller ID. Kate.

My mind went wild. Why is she calling me? What happened? Did something bad happen to her? I immediately answer the phone by saying .. "Kate are you okay? Whats wrong?"

"This is her mother .. um" I hear the stress in her voice as i got out of my bed. I switch the lights on and start putting on some clothes. Ready to go to her place if anything bad has happened.

"I cant find Kate." The tension in her voice seems horrified. She then started explaining that Kate isn't the type to run away and how shes been worrying about her lately.

"I'm coming .." I spoke while secretly getting my car keys and walking out the door.

Where would she be? I ask myself as i made it into my range rover and started driving to Kate's place.I started remembering her.

Its been so long since I've seen her. Those oversized glasses, pink heart shaped lips, bangs that covered her forehead, dark brown eyes, pale complexion and long brown wavy hair.

After the day she left i couldn't get my head right and my thoughts straight. I recall looking at her in choir class and watching her eat at lunch but she wouldn't look at me. And when she did i would look away pretending like i wasn't looking at her in the first place.

I knew she was mad so i purposely kept my distance. I don't want to make the situation worse.


"What happened?" I fretted as Mrs. Johnson opened the front door and let me in. She began explaining that she was about to check on Kate in her room but found out that she wasn't there. She said she checked everywhere and Kate's no where to be found.

We made it upstairs and in her bedroom as i examined it, feeling like a detective. "Her phone was left on the bed ... After i couldn't find her, i called you." I remembered the phone call that woke me up.

"Where's Mr.Johnson?" I question while she sat on Kate's bed.

"Hes working late tonight." She clarified as i put my hands in my pocket. I suddenly feel something rough as if its a folded paper. My eyes widen knowing what it is.

"Can i have a minute?" I ask Mrs. Johnson and she nodded and left. When she left my sight i sat on Kate's bed and unfolded the paper.

I skimmed it and i know exactly what it is. Cara's suicide note.

Why is this in my pocket? When did it get in my pocke- I suddenly remembered how it got in my pocket.

A week ago i was fed up with Kate ignoring me so i decided to go to her place and talk to her like a man. The note was suppose to explain everything and possibly get her back.

But i didn't ... I couldn't. 2 months has been too long and i needed to see her but was too scares too. Good thing her mom called me. This is my chance to finally see her.

Now where would i hide if i was Kate. Shes stressed so where would i go if i was stressed? Easy the mountain. Its my private place where i feel safe and relaxed ... SAFE AND RELAXED !

My eyes grew wide as i enjoy my eureka moment. Shes on the rooftop! Go get your girl Austin! NOWS YOUR CHANCE !! GIVE HER THE NOTE! I scream in my head as i feel overjoyed for some odd reason.

I didn't call Kate's mom because i know Kate wouldn't want her to be there so I'm going alone. I couldn't help but to smile dumbly at myself. I'm finally seeing her after so long. I hope she feels the same way.

Whenever something bad happens I go up here because it relaxes me. Kate's words filled my mind as i made my way onto the roof.

Yeeee sooo this chapter was kinda long butttt what do you guys thinks ? :) yeeeeee i would loveeeee to dedicate this chapter to @Bcc2020 because she is amazing

30 votes and ill make chapter 33 ... Youll find out if Austin gives Kate the note or not :O soooo voteee peoples :)

Again if you want the next  chapter to be dedicated to you then comment and vote :)


❤ -A

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