chapter 1

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Kate's POV (Point Of View)

It started with a party. A party that celebrated the day with so much booze you can think of. Upperclassman high schoolers, and even some underage minors-but no one cared- filled the 3 story house.

A Saturday night that celebrated the championship game of the high school Spartans. Our basketball team brought us the championship cup/trophy, which lead to this tonight. A night I would spend much differently.

If it wasn't for Becky, I wouldn't be here at this party. I would've stayed home and studied for my English 12 test on Monday. Yea I'm a senior. People say your senior year should be the easiest. But for me, its pretty hard. Considering the fact that i took all Honors and AP classes.

I told my parents that I would be bowling with Becky so I can secretly go to the party. I didn't think of the whole bowling part, it was Becky's idea.

Becky is a small Latina girl who has dark brown hair and pretty brown eyes. Olive colored skin and a bubbly personality. Becky is a type of person you would talk to if you want to laugh. Even when you're down, she'll find a way to make your day.

Although Becky is a cheerleader for the Spartans she's still a fun loving, warm hearted and a hilarious 18 year old girl. Cheerleaders have to go to their parties. Have to. I don't know why, its just the way it is. Becky didn't want to go alone so she begged me.

Yup begged me.

She explained how she won't know anyone there since she's a new cheerleader-whatever that means- and how it would be fun if I came with her. Because she was my friend since Kindergarten and she never gave up begging so I went with her.

"God, you're gonna love the party." She spoke with her squeaky voice. I kept my eyes on the road as she applied mascara while looking at the mirror. Personally I don't like make up, I don't wear any. I think its better to be all natural.

"How do you do that?" She asked while breaking the silence. I let out a light chuckle as I turned my head to her and asked "Do what?"

"Look so pretty without makeup?" She questioned with glossy lip gloss on her lips. Her lips curled and saw the small gap between her teeth. I smiled and shrugged. She let out a laugh and turned the radio up.

And here we are. A dangerously loud, eardrum killing, music blazing, killer party-as so they say-. Once we got there she ditches me. Yup ... ditches me. She said that she's gonna "hang" out with some people she knew and then left.

She was the one that said that she doesn't know anyone at the party, which was a horrible lie. So I'm sitting here on this crowded couch with a red cup in my hand given to me by Becky. I asked her what it was but she never told me. She gave it to me, said something, left and never saw her again.

It was light brown, didn't smell that bad but the taste was horrible. It tasted sour, burned my throat but I was so thirsty. I got up from the couch filled with couples making out and felt a bit dizzy so i head outside. Trying to get some fresh air.

I've been in there for at least 5 minutes and I can't take the smell of the cigars and booze. The music of party house jams vibrated in my ear as I pushed through the smelly crowds of people trying to get away.

Once I reach outside I gulp down the repulsive liquid and threw it on the grass. I didn't feel dizzy anymore but a bit light headed. Outside wasn't as bad as inside. The warm yet fresh air filled my lungs and I can finally breathe.

I sit on the curb in front of the house, extending my legs out. Finally noticing that there were strands of wet grass on my converse classics so I flicked it off. Laughing while looking up at the dark sky I spoke out loud.

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