chapter 46

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Kate's POV

"Yes mom I'll drive down for the holidays ..." She gave me a tight hug as I watch Austin and the crew put the last set of boxes in the U Haul. Becky and Sara are helping too.

Dad is in the drivers seat of the U Haul, ready to drive to Orlando. As for me, I'm taking my car so I can drive around and find new places over there.

"Bye Teddy ..." I kneel down and gave him a kiss on his soft baby cheeks while he's in the baby carriage. My dad honks the horn lightly and shouted that Orlando is a 3 hour drive so we have to leave early.

Mom gave me another tight hug and I said bye to Teddy for one last time. Alex greeted me with one of his bear hugs and said goodbye. "Keep in touch .." He whispers then allowed me to hug the others.

"I'm going to miss you bestie ..." Becky shouts while jumping up and hugging me. Memories of Becky and I going to parties and doing Algebra homework together flashed before my eyes. Tears forming.

"Call me every night and every day." She steps back and wipes a few tears away from her eyes. "I will" I gave her one more hug and continued down the line.

"We will miss you kiddo" Rob said as Zach leans in for an awkward hug but I appreciated it. Same thing with Rob. "Don't forget us .." Zach mumbles and pretends to cry which makes me laugh.

"I won't .." I laugh and see one of Zach's rare smiles. The ones where he shows his beautiful straight teeth and laughter comes out. Yea Zach doesn't smile that often but today he did.

Then standing in front of me there stood Austin. Dark blue rip jeans, plain white t shirt and Nike shoes with a crops necklace dangling from his neck. His hair a mess and eyes soft.

He inhales and mouths the words "come here" and opens his arms. I run into his open arms and it wraps around my neck. I can hear his beat beat slowly as he breathes softly.

"I dont want you to go ..." He whispers before kissing my head and rocking me slowly. "Me either .. But I have to." I mumble while holding him tighter. Not wanting to let him go.

I hear him sniff and say "okay .. come on." He slowly pulls me away from him and puts his hands on both my shoulders. "I'll wait ..." He whispers while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

His thumb slowly caressing my cheek as i close my eyes and feel him. Feel him watching me but I don't mind. "I'll wait .." He says again. I didn't know I was crying until I feel him wipe away my tears away from my eyes.

"Hey hey ..." He calms me down as I open my eyes and stare into his. "Don't cry .." A smile appears on his face as I smile too. His smile is so beautiful.

His hazel eyes staring into mine as I lean up and kiss him gently on his lips. I don't care if my parents can see me, I don't care if our friends see us. All I care about is Austin and my feelings about him.

I feel him smile into the kiss as our friends start making an "ooooo" noise while we kiss. He leans away the passionate kiss and holds my cheeks with his soft hands.

"Go or I'm going to force you to stay ..." He mumbles as we both laugh. "Okay." I say and step back. His unreadable eyes staring into my soul.

"Okay .." He says back slowly as I smile and so does he. His appearance so mesmerizing and hypnotizing. While stepping back he puts his hands in his pocket and stares at me.

"Ana .." He mouths the words. I remember our incident yesterday while I was closing the door. His eyebrows raise as if he was waiting for me.

"Christian .." I mumble and he steadily smiles. Showing me his beautiful teeth like Zach. His eyes squinted and a soft laugh escapes his kissable lips.

I reach my car and open the drivers door. Him watching my every move while biting his bottom lip. I wave to everyone as they all say bye to me.

I take one more look at Austin and he smiles one more time. He takes his hand out of his pocket and wave bye to me as I smile back at him.  

I get in my car and turn the engine on. Watching everyone wave and say their goodbyes to me. Watching the U Haul my dads driving away as I follow it. Watching Austin fading away from my review mirror and feeling lost inside of me.

Feeling lonely and confused without him. He says he can wait. If we meet in the future than were meant to be. But if we don't then were not.

I dont know, only time can tell. Time heals everything.

Bdiendkenddd I was rushing ... Sorry if they're a lot of mistakes in this chapter ') buttttt what do you guys think? Good? Bad ? Its okay you can tell me :)

I need to edit this.. I need to take a shower soooooooo don't forget o vote !! 45 votes and I'll make chapter 47 :)


okay I have to take a shower :) byeeee loves yaaaa


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