chapter 15

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Kate's POV

"Kate." I hear Austins gentle voice speak. My eyes flutter open as I adjust my glasses and took a look at where we are.

"Are we here?" I ask while sitting up from leaning on the car door and take a glance around us. I guess I fell asleep.

The sky is at its bluest, open land surrounded us that is filled with palm trees that stood tall. Well cut bushes shaped as boxes and a tannish house hover over the car and I.

I get out still looking at the beautiful house and admiring its colors. The caramel like colored house with white pillars that help support it. The outline of the tall windows are painted white.

I take a look behind me and there's a gate with white rails and pillars so no one trespasses. The sunlight shines in me while I feel the heat saturate my sweat.

"Come on." Austin surprisingly grabs my hand and run towards the front door. The door knob looks like it is made out of gold.

Austin lets go of my hand and takes his keys out. As he opens the door I hear the angels sing.

White tiled floors with white painted walls surrounded me. Big paintings of artists I don't even know hung from the walls. Once i reach the living room, i was impressed.

The ceiling stood high and a crystal chandelier hung down from it. The living room consisted of 2 full size couches, a grand piano, a flat screen tv including a ps4 and xbox, and a pool table.

The only word that escaped from my mouth was "woah"

I walk over to the couch and feel how soft it was. Both couches were microfiber and it felt softer than a babies butt. Austins lake house is ridiculously huge. While we both stand here in silence all I hear is the sound of waves.

"This was the only house built here becau-"

Ignoring what Austin is saying, I dash for the sliding doors that are in front of me and it brang me to the backyard.

I step foot onto a wooden porch. More couches outside but it's all covered by a huge beige tent. The wind is calm and the sun seems to be shining brightly today.

Stairs lead down onto a sidewalk that fit two people. A sidewalk that leads to a wooden dock. A dock that swayed with the lake and gives me an uneasy feeling but it is cool looking.

Once I get to the end of the dock I gasp. The lake seems to be clear. I dip my hand under the water and I can actually see my hand. Details and everything, no dirt.

As I look down into the lake I see white and brown pebbles which gives it a beachy vibe.

"What do you think?" Austin asks behind me as I look up and see the other side of the lake. It's filled with trees and mysterious animals I don't want to explore.

"Its absolutely beautiful." I say astonished while turning around and walking back. His eyes squinted and a smile crept on his face. His hair blew in the wind as I squint also.

We begin walking back and admiring it all. Giant areas of grass on both side of the sidewalk so the boys can play football. Birds chip up above as I enjoy the moment and smile to myself.

"Do you want to see upstairs?" Austin asks excitedly  as we step back inside the house. I shout yes with excitement but all he can do is smile and show me.

"So there's 5 bedrooms in total and 2 bathrooms." He gave me a free tour. We start off by walking upstairs and seeing the first 4 rooms.

Once we make our way up the stairs I look around and there's 5 doors. 2 on the left side, 2 on the right side and 1 on the opposite side from me. It was one big rectangle.

Austin explained to me that him and the crew always come to the lake house so that's why their stuff are here.

"This Zach's room .." He points to the first door on the left.

"Roberts room." Austin touches the second door on the left with his fingers while we pass by it.

"Alex's room" He continues to point to the first door to the right. He begins walking to the right and stops at the last door.

"And this is my room." Austin says while patting the door and a giving me his famous smile.

He continues on with the tour and walks past Alex's room and made a slight left to where the bathroom is. Austin slowly openz the door and waits for my reaction.

A walk in shower but it had curtains you can't see through, a jacuzzi, a counter with 2 sinks on it, a while bunch of hair products on the counter and a bench with a towel rack.

My heart started hurting because it was so beautiful.

"What about the last room and bathroom?" I ask as he slowly turns around from looking in the mirror.

"They're downstairs. Its a guess room and its just has a bathroom in the room." He smiles without ease. We walk out of the bathroom and start making our way down the stairs.

"And that concludes our tou-"

Austin's interrupted by someone shouting his name downstairs. He looks up at me and smiles gracious.

"They're here." He starts running down the stairs as I did the same. When I get down there, Austin's bro hugging the crew as girls stand behind them.

"Oh and I'd like you to meet someone." Alex says towards Austin as he says okay and went to get whoever is coming.

I make my way to the kitchen and its ... gorgeous. Huge grey fridge with a center island and windows that look out onto the lake. Pots and pans hanging from the lot rack. I was then interrupted by Alex calling my name. I went out and was gonna say hi to the person he'd like everyone to meet.

I suddenly stop and take a long look at him with disgust. Anger filled in me that wanted to blow out but didn't. His eyes meets mine as he smiles repulsivingly.

"This is -"

"Calum Hood" I interrupt Alex and they all stare at me and Calum with confusion.

His blonde highlights annoy the hell out of me. I don't know why but that's the only thing that's changed since last time I saw him. I see he got tattoos. That wasn't there before.

"Hey Kate" He speaks with his annoying Australian accent but I didn't respond. There's nothing to say. I have nothing to say to him.

Mmm tension :D but I just got to say something .. CALUM HOOD !! AH !

so what do you guys think about this chapter ?

Comment what you think :)

Anyways don't forget to vote !! 15 votes and I'll make chapter 16 !!

I'll see you guys next chapter :)

P.S- Calum is bae ;)

❤ -A

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