chapter 19

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Austins POV

I call Kates name out in the dark night but she kept running. I smile to myself as I get up and rhn after her. I follow her upstairs but stop by Kate slamming the bathroom door in my face.

"Open the door Kate." I knock on the door softly as I feel her leaning on the door. Alex opens his door as I turn around.

"Is she okay?" He whispers. I tell him she's fine and told him to get back in his room. He shrugs and went back in his room with Sara.

Basically Zach, Rob and Alex's girlfriends are sleeping in their room. Besides Calum, he came alone.

10 minutes pass and she still didn't come out. The door locked and her trapped inside. I smile as I lean on the wall next to the door and slid down to the ground.

"I'm going to wait until you get out Kate." I say softly but she didn't say anything. Silence is all I heard. I close my eyes and wait.

Kate's POV

Its been an hour. He's got to be sleeping by now.

I put my ear to the door and didn't hear anything. I hear him breathing but no sudden movements.

I gently unlock the door and twist the knob. My heart racing and my palms sweaty.

I carefully open the door and it surprisingly didnt make noise. I push my glasses in and look to see if the coast was clear.

Austin sat beside the door. Eyes closed and lightly breathing. His head tilted and leaned on the door ledge, legs crissed cross apple sauce and arms crossed.

I check my phone a minute ago and its about to turn 12 so everyone's got to be sleeping.

I sneak past Austin and went into his room. I close the door slowly and watch him sit there sleeping. I turn back and examined his room.

Gray bedsheetes and white and gray fluffy pillows. His king size bed looks so comfortable. I change into my pajamas, grey sweatpants and oversized black shirt, hair in a messy.

I take my glasses off and put it on his nightstand. I get up and turn the lights off and make my way onto his bed. The blurry darkness is all I saw. The moonlight beamed through his curtains and onto the bed.

I cover half my face and body with Austins soft comforter. This bed is the most softest and fluffiest bed I ever slept on. It feels like I'm sleeping on a cloud.

The scent of Austin made me smile as I relax and close my eyes. I drift off to limbo and fell fast asleep.


I slowly wake up to the sound of the lakes soothing current and the birds chirping outside. Its warm in Austins room; its probably because I'm under his comforter.

I keep my eyes close and I stretch my legs and arms. I suddenly hit something next to me. I scrunch my eyebrows and with my eyes still closed I start feeling the soft, tender thing.

What is this? I ask myself as I kept on feeling it with my right hand.

Is this ... skin? I stop feeling it and open my eyes. I quickly take my glasses from the nightstand and put it on.

I slowly turn my head to the right and I see Austin laying there half naked. He laid there on his stomach and head turned away from me.

Right arm under the pillow and lightly breathing. I look at my hand and notice that i was feeling Austin's back this whole time.

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