chapter 38

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Kate's POV

Will I ever see Becky again? How about Alex? I wonder what college life is like. What is mom and dad going to do when I'm gon-

I'm then interrupted by the speaker calling out last names that start with M ...

Austin. I thought as I look up and try to find him.

I grasp my diploma in my hands while sitting as I try searching. My hat tilted in a slight fashion as so does everyone else's.

Red and black gowns fill the auditorium floor. Parents and siblings and friends fill the seats surrounding the floor. Celebrating the graduation of the 2013 seniors.

With my eyes squinted and glasses fogging I still try searching for Austin. I haven't seen him in a week. I haven't been texting him after he dropped me off at my house.

I couldn't help but to imagine his gorgeous smile. The one where his sweet laugh escapes his mouth and doesn't care what people think of him. I just .. need to see him.

Austin Mahone .. The speaker calls as my head jolts up. My search is over He's right there. Long red and black gown, no hat on but his hair a mess. Its always a mess.

I watch him shake each the principles and vice principles hands as girls from the bleachers cheer and scream his name.

When done, he turns to the crowd and raises both his fists towards the ceiling. The crowd went wild. Girls screaming I love you to him and friends cheering. He's loved.

I grin widely while he makes his way down the stage with his diploma in his hands. On his way towards his seat, he glances over at me and smiles graciously. I suddenly feel my cheeks heat up.

"I love you .." He mouths those 3 words while making a heart shape with his hands. I automatically smile dumbly to myself.

I don't know if he's playing or he's serious so I shake my head in amusement. He grins and scrunches his nose so perfectly as he walks by me.

Oh this boy.


"Oh honey I'm so proud of you .." Mom walks over and hugs me. Dad pushes baby Teddy in the baby carriage behind her.

I say thanks while everyone files out of the auditorium and into the lawn of my high school. The sunny day so beautiful and wind so calm and perfect.

With my gown hanging from my arm, diploma and hat in my hands my knee high little black dress blew in the wind.

"Oo Austin .." Mom gently says as she looks behind me with a shocked face.

"I'm not falling for it mom." I speak confidentially as this past week she's been tricking me.

In grocery stores, streets and fast food restaurants she would say "oo austin" then look behind me "telling" me that he's behind me but he isn't. I always fell for it so this time, I'm not falling for it.

"Austin is not behind me mom .." I chuckle between every word as I watch her face freeze. Her eyes wide and same goes with my dad.

That familiar laugh comes from behind me and utters "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Johnson .. May I introduce you to my mother ?" I feel the colors drain from my face as I stand completely still.

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