D&W 9: I'm Not Your Type

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I sighed, flopping back on my bed and staring straight up at the ceiling. My hands were getting jittery as my PC sat lonely and powered off on the desk across the room. My brain was telling me to go over and play games, forget about the bet, but my heart told me no. If I was forcing Taehyung not to do something, I had to hold up my end of the bargain, even if that meant suffering from severe withdrawal.

I had tried a few things to distract myself and put my mind at ease. I covered the PC monitors with a sheet so they wouldn't seduce me and played my guitar until the calluses on my fingers stung. I was not about to lose a bet to Kim Taehyung.

When I was finished with my guitar, I laid back on my bed and stared deep into the ceiling again, contemplating what I should do next. I had started to get a few ideas, but I was distracted by the ding of my phone.

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I recognized the Instagram tag immediately, seeing as everyone and their mom followed Taehyung. "What does he want?" I questioned aloud. Perhaps he wanted to talk about the project some more, or perhaps he wanted to blow up my DMs just for the hell of it. There was no way the latter was true. Taehyung didn't care enough about me to blow up my DMs, especially when he has so many other people's attention.

 Taehyung didn't care enough about me to blow up my DMs, especially when he has so many other people's attention

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I left Taehyung on Seen, but not because I was done talking to him. Wooyoung had just come back from his first official date with San, so I listened to him gush about how nice it was and how sweet San had treated him. By the time he was finished telling me all about it, an hour had passed and I figured there was no reason to try and respond to Taehyung now. He'd probably found something else to do and he could survive without my attention.

For the rest of the night, Wooyoung and I watched the Avengers movies until we were too sleepy to laugh anymore. 


"Taehyung, don't touch my stereo!" I grumbled for the fourth time since we had been driving. "Come one, Guk. Let me play some real music. This shit is putting me to sleep." Taehyung complained. I could see him pouting out of the corner of his eyes. "I'm not listening to mumble rap, Taehyung. Besides, if you go to sleep, I don't have to hear you run our mouth. Touch my shit again and I'm hitting the eject button on your seat." I threatened him. Of course this wasn't a rocket shit, so there was no eject button, but I could dream.

Taehyung snickered and sat back in his seat. "What is she singing about anyway? She's calling herself a Brooklyn baby. Feathers in my hair? Sex to beat poetry? What the hell?" He questioned me, reciting some of the lyrics. I happened to like the song for the melody, though, I didn't really understand what she was saying but apparently, Taehyung did.

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