D&W 22: Hold My Hand

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Hey, long time no see. I'm back writing long chapters again so I had to cut it in half. There will be a part two in a few minutes. Happy reading 💜💜💜



The first sense my body used when I awoke was my sense of smell, faint sandalwood and ocean breeze. My nose ticked as it pressed against soft skin and inhaled a deep breath. As soon as my eyes fluttered open, I snapped them shut again and let out a groan when the light pierced my vision. Where the hell am I? What day is it? What time is class?

I moved my hands across the back of whoever they were wrapped around and brought my hands around to his stomach. Just as I made sense of what I was touching, he groaned into my ear. That distinctive voice could have only been one person, Kim Taehyung. It wasn't every day that I woke up cuddling with someone.

"Baby, it's too early to be touching me like that. Such a tease." He complained.

"You two are finally awake?" Another voice said from across the room. It could only have belonged to Jimin. I turned my head away from Taehyung's chest, which was bare and peered over at Jimin. He was smiling cutely at me. I turned back around to Taehyung and sunk back into his arms. Despite the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt, I pressed my cheek to his chest. He was still half asleep and I was comfortable as hell.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, hoping Jimin would hear me. "It's twelve-forty-three," Jimin said.

I shot up from Taehyung's bed so quickly, it woke him up completely. "Fuck!" I cursed as the realization struck me. "I'm late for class." I sighed in distress.

"Tae was awake earlier, he could have woken you up." Jimin accused his friend. I turned to look down at Taehyung who was rubbing his eyes like a sleepy child. I tried my hardest not to train my eyes on his pecs. He was so hot with rustled hair and swollen cheeks.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him. Tae just shrugged and yawned. "You had a late night, Cupcake. I was not about to wake you up for class. Missing one is not going to kill your grade."

"Class is more important than sleep." I argued. Taehyung scoffed. "Bullshit."

I glared at him and got out of the bed. I had to find my phone before I was even more late. "It's under the bed." Taehyung muttered. I craned my neck at him, but got on all fours to look under the bed. There my phone was, the alarm still buzzing against the wooden floor.

"You threw my alarm under the bed?" I questioned him. "Yeah, duh. Look babe, I care about your well being and you were in no condition to go to class with a hangover." He snickered, tiredly.

"I'm not hungover," I grumbled, despite the throbbing in my temples. "Yes you are, baby." he answered, eyeing me sweetly. He looked way too good making that innocent face "Fuck, Tae. Put a goddamn shirt on!" I complained, finally.

"Like what you see, huh?"

"I hate you." I muttered. I needed to go get ready for my next class and Wooyoung was probably wondering where the hell I disappeared to.

"No you don't." Both Jimin and Taehyung muttered together. I glared at them and fished around Tae's duvet for my socks. Even when I went to sleep with socks on, they always ended up off my feet by the morning.

"At least give me a kiss before you run away from me." Taehyung begged. I rolled my eyes. "Not with that morning breath." I muttered. Taehyung snickered, grabbing at my thighs. He knew that was a ticklish spot for me, but I wasn't quite sure when he figured it out. I slapped his hands away, chuckling.

"You get a hug and then I'm leaving."

"Fine." He pouted, pulling me down onto him again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. "You need to take care of that." I muttered teasingly into his ear. I could feel his wood pressing against my thigh.

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