D&W 35: It's Nothing I Can't Handle

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The whole room was tinted blue like ice and from the ceiling, dangled glass icicles, glowing snowy clouds, silver confetti streamers and glitter. Despite the cold winter theme of the ball, I felt like I was in the desert as my entire body pumped my blood hot through my veins. Each time it circulated through my groin, it heated up even more to the point that I was starting to itch.

Taehyung and I danced to the slow song playing, intermingled with the other couples on the dance floor and despite the fact that I was already hot, I clung to my boyfriend like the floor was going to swallow me down to hell. His firm arms held my waist tight, running his thumbs against the small of my back, just the way I liked. I felt so needy, so unsatisfied, and dare I be so lewd, I was horny, something that didn't used to happen as much until I started dating Taehyung.

Strangely, while my body was on fire, I felt good and relaxed, almost like the first time Tae and I danced together at the welcome party. The two conflicting feelings in my body prevented me from deciding whether I liked what I was feeling or not.

"You good, babe?" Taehyung asked me, resting his chin on my shoulder. I nodded, even though I was only slightly telling the truth. I wanted him so bad, and having him this close to me only made it worse. "I'm okay. . . how are you?" I questioned him, wondering if he was just as needy as I was. If he was, he was good at hiding it.

"I'm fine. I used to use this stuff all the time." Taehyung told me. "You say that like you're proud." I snickered. "I am. The self control I'm exercising right now is astronomical." He said, sending a shiver down my spine with his deep voice. I was curious about what he would do if he didn't exercise self control, but that was just the horny part of my brain thinking for me.

As if Taehyung could read my mind, his lips met my ear as he spoke. "If I let myself do what I really wanted to do. I'd bend you over the nearest horizontal surface and fuck you 'till you see stars." I nearly moaned at the confession, and surprisingly, my rosebud fluttered. The idea sounded delicious right now, though I knew damn well I wasn't ready for that.

Soon enough, the slow song came to an end and there would no longer be a reason for me to be hugging my boyfriend in the middle of the dance floor, though I didn't want to let him go. Partly because he was comforting me, and partly because I was hard and was afraid of being exposed, though the lights were dim. To my dismay, Taehyung slipped his arms from around my waist, grabbed my hand, and led me over to our standing table to rest. Tae hadn't let go of my hand the entire night and I appreciated that.

Throughout the night, I had friends that I'd recently acquired, dating Tae, pull me to the dance floor while Tae was on photo duty. I didn't mind for the most part, except for the fact that each time Tae and I were separated, all I wanted was him. I figured that was just the Aura talking, so I tried to enjoy myself without thinking about how much I wanted my boyfriend to rail me.

To distract myself from the storm in my pants, I tried to focus on my friends and made sure no one got close enough to feel my bulge. Suddenly, someone grabbed my waist, sending an electric shock up my spine. I hated how sensitive I was, no matter who was touching me.

"Hey stranger!" It was Wooyoung. I had hardly had any time to spend with him lately, considering we had no classes together, I'd been studying like hell, and I always slept in Tae's dorm. Not to mention, I had made some new friends along the way, so I could tell he was starting to feel replaced. He wasn't usually vocal about that kind of thing, but I was good at reading people.

"Hey Woo."I greeted him back. Wooyoung grabbed my shoulders. "Why are you so tense, dude?" He questioned me, kneading the muscle. My eyes damn near rolled back in my head. I shrugged, partly to get him off me and partly for the gesture. "Long story." I said shortly, over the music. Wooyoung raised his eyebrows. "Was it Taehyung?" That left me wondering how much I complained about my boyfriend, considering the second I looked displeased that was Woo's first assumption.

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