D&W 42: Where Are Your Manners

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Thank you to those who have been waiting patiently. Smut scenes take a lot of energy out of me, and the conditions to write them have to be perfect. Part two in a few days.


As my mother's health continued to stagger, I had been stuck in Daegu for the better of three weeks, filling in for her at the company and learning on the job. I had no goddamn idea what the fuck I was doing, yet my mother thought I would be the best person to fill in for her, not my father, not her associates, or hell, literally anybody else. It didn't make sense to me, but shamelessly, playing CEO had begun getting easier and easier. My mother bragged that she knew I'd be perfect for the job, but I didn't have enough gall to try and spite her by fucking up on purpose. I was too competitive for that.

I could see why mom was always busy though. I hardly had time to complete my school assignments and talk to my boyfriend. But if I did anything wrong or anything was late while I was covering for her, my mother would have my ass, and I really didn't want to deal with that, or my father chiming in for fun.

On the weekends, I had met up with some old friends and we went out to party, even when Jungkook was constantly on my mind. Since he told me he loved me, I wouldn't dare entertain anyone else. He hadn't said it since that first time, but it still felt nice to hear.

While I didn't entirely hate being back home in Daegu, I also missed my Seoul people. I missed my boyfriend, and believe it or not, I missed going to class. Today, my mother was being discharged from the hospital with medication and I would be able to go back to Seoul. Volleyball tryouts were as soon as I got back, and Valentine's day was coming up as well. I wanted to plan something for Jungkook, not too formal, and not too extravagant. I knew he didn't like that kind of thing. I wasn't really into romance either, but I had an idea for something lowkey that he and I would both like.

The drive back to Seoul was restless and long. I didn't tell Jungkook that I was on my way back because I wanted to surprise him, but it had to be after tryouts.


"Your jump serve has somehow gotten better!" Coach clapped me on the back. "But I'm surprised you've been so distracted. What's on your mind?" He asked me. I pursed my lips and shrugged. "Just family stuff." I knew he would make me team captain regardless of the fact that I wasn't at full capacity today. He knew I had a history of being an amazing leader and player. There was really no need for me to stick around. I was just eager to go see Jungkook. By now, people had to be talking about the fact that I was back, so I just hoped my surprise would stay a surprise.

"Well, I hope everything's alright. In the meantime, get your head in these tryouts. You need to help me pick a libero before we leave here today." Coach said. He was always so blunt. I knew the game so well, I could play with my eyes closed. He trusted me to help him build the team every year and I did a phenomenal job. Jimin would be a good libero, since he was the shortest on the team. He wouldn't like that justification, but tough cookies. Someone has to do it.

Speaking of Jimin. "Hey, bitch." He greeted me, endearingly. "How's your mom?" He asked me. I shrugged. "She's out of the hospital, so we'll see."

"Good. She may be a witch, but I wouldn't wish ill on her."

"Yeah, me either." I huffed, despite the fact that she tried to get me to cheat on my boyfriend. "How's it been since I was gone?" I changed the subject. I'd had enough of my parents for a while. We sat down on the bench to watch the other player evaluations. "Fine, I guess. I've been keeping your boyfriend company. I think I like him more than I like you now."

"Oh please. He can't replace me." I snickered. Jimin laughed. "Have you seen him yet?"

"Not yet. I can't wait though. I've been fiending to kiss him." I said, honestly. "I bet. I heard he's gonna give you the cherry." Jimin grinned. "He told you?"

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