D&W 3: These Parties are Tricky

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Dusk was my favorite time of day. The noise of the afternoon was quieting down, like the calm before the storm of a very big and loud public disturbance. I felt safe in the emptiness of our room as Wooyoung had already left, meeting up with a couple of friends from Math Club. I sat down at my desk, turned on my double monitors and prepared to hop onto a stream. At least on there, no one could see my face, so they could only judge me for my skills and my gamertag, which I sometimes got teased for. Bunnyboy97. I've had it since I was twelve and never bothered to change it. My followers didn't seem to mind, so if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

A few hours past 7 o'clock, the sun had completely set and I was deep in my game. Sound affects blared through my headphones and the sound of vigorous rainbow keyboard smashing disrupted the silence in my room. My phone buzzed on my desk next to me, but I was unable to pause the game to check the messages. I had to wait until the tournament ended. I assumed it was either my mom, Yoongi, or my brother, so I didn't bother to look and started a new game. Half an hour later, it buzzed again several times throughout the next two games and I finally got annoyed at all the vibrations and picked it up. Who could possibly be trying to get my attention at this hour? If someone was blowing up my phone, it had better be important.

7 missed calls from Wooyoung

Text message from Wooyoung

Hey Jungkook, this is San from Math Club. Wooyoung went a little too hard with the drinks and he keeps yelling your name like a lunatic. I think maybe you should come take him back to the dorm before he does something stupid.

The text read. I rolled my eyes and let out the heaviest sigh. The chat began to flood with questions asking what happened. Wooyoung was such a lightweight despite him being nearly six foot tall. I should have known that I wasn't going to be able to stream in peace. Something always interrupted me. When I was back at home with my parents, they always wanted to talk about my day or why I hadn't come out of my room yet. Either they were interrupting me, or it was some other unavoidable responsibility. I could now add a drunk Wooyoung to that list.

"I have to go guys. Something came up." I told my viewers. They flooded the chat with various levels of disgruntlement, but ultimately bid me farewell. I logged off of the server, shut off my monitors and stood up from my comfy chair. This fool was making me put on pants because he didn't know how to pace himself. To be fair, he hadn't really been drinking for a long time. He was a rule follower in that respect.

I slipped on the first pair of pants I could find, ripped blue jeans and kept on the t-shirt I had been wearing. It had holes cut into it and I was sure it was a lot cooler out now, but I didn't feel like changing. Besides, why would I put effort into an outfit when I was only going to be there for a minimum of ten minutes? I slipped my feet into my boots, grabbed my phone, and grumbled all the way to the Club House. Even the name was childish.

I was feeling a bit subconscious after telling everyone who asked me about the party how much I despised parties and here I was on my way to it. It made me feel like some sort of hypocrite.

Blue and purple strobe lights shout out of the open windows, bodies filed in and out of every door and in the yard, music thumped against the ground, and voices sang along to the hip hop song playing. It was a good song, but that would not make up for the debauchery that was going on inside. Our campus was like its own little town, so unfortunately, there was no one to call the police for disturbing the peace. I felt so claustrophobic just looking at the scene in front of me, dreading the sea of bodies I would have to shove through. I approached with caution and began looking around for Wooyoung and San. The Club House was gigantic, with thick pillars on the front wrap around porch. The alumni loved this club, so they always got the most donations. More donations=more new shiny things for their house.

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