D&W 20: Woof Woof, Baby

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No blueberries by DPR Ian. Please enjoy the chapter. 😉



My brain thumped in my skull before I even knew I was awake. The sheets were cool against my fevered skin, comforting me and my eyes didn't want to open. The light pouring in from the window kept my irises paranoid. Hangover and sunlight were not a good combination. I kept my eyes screwed shut while I stretched my aching limbs and reached out to grip the headboard on my bed for good measure. I realized something was different about the bed.

Where the hell am I?

I questioned myself, forcing my eyes open out of obligation. Cracking them slightly, I turned over to see my headboard was missing and I was met with a powder blue tapestry.

This isn't my dorm. This isn't my bed either.

A sense of confusion rushed over me as I turned my head to the side at the sound of rustling sheets next to me. It was a guy. He rolled over into a more comfortable position and all I could see was the back of his head.

Jungkook? No, his left arm is covered with Tattoos. This one is bare. . . not to mention, he's still in Busan.

Realization and dread washed over me.


"No, no, no, no! Tae, you fucking idiot!" I cursed myself audibly.

"You're so loud in the morning. Let me sleep." The voice mumbled, tiredly. I groaned in anguish, knowing exactly who it was laying next to me. I had a good idea about why he wasn't wearing any clothes either. I did my best to remember what happened last night, but all I could remember was drinking, smoking, and dancing. I peered under the blanket at my lower half but I was still wearing my boxers. That's a good sign, right? Maybe you didn't fuck Joyoung. I tried to convince myself to no avail. Jo finally rolled over to face me, squinting at the bright light coming in through the window.

"Something wrong, Tae?" He asked me, placing a hand on my chest. I shrugged away from him and grimaced. "Don't touch me." There was a gross sickness in my stomach, and I was unsure if it was due to the hangover or my disgust with myself. The latter was quite unusual for me.

"You weren't saying that last night." He said smugly. I cringed at the words and flung the blankets off of my body. I had to get dressed and get out of here. The guilt was already starting to sink in. How would I tell Jungkook? I couldn't even picture the look on his face without feeling a painful throb in my chest.

"Where are you going?" Joyoung asked me. "Far away from you." I grunted at him. He just smirked. "Stop playing hard to get Taehyung. Your little boy toy won't be back for a few hours."

"What does Jungkook have to do with this?" I questioned him, looking around the floor frantically for my phone, even though he had everything to do with this. "Because you're stuck on him for whatever reason. He's nothing special." Joyoung taunted, standing up from the bed. He was completely naked and I had to fight the way my eyes wanted to look down. I turned my head.

"Yes he is. . ." I muttered. Joyoung paused. "Oh my god. You actually like him." He stated, hands on his bare hips. I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business, Jo. None of my personal life is any of your business, yet you keep inserting yourself into it."

"Well someone has to make sure you don't change."

"And why does that get to be you?" I questioned him, craning my neck. Irritation was brewing in my chest. "Because, Taehyung. You need someone who can keep up with you. Jungkook is a virgin and most don't just give it up to the school fuckboy. You're trying to change yourself for someone you'll get bored with in two months. I know you." Joyoung argued. He and I had known each other for almost four years now, but that didn't mean he knew me.

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