D&W 25: Because I'm a S3x Addict

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Jungkook and I walked hand in hand through the commotion of college students enjoying their night. Music played softly from different speakers and I cradled my camera in my other hand in case of a photo opportunity. Jungkook hadn't said much to me, just chatted with WooSan, who was becoming less and less annoying to me. I knew Jungkook was ignoring me due to our earlier conversation about my cologne.

"Baby, talk to me." I beckoned, pulling on his hand. Jungkook looked up at me and rolled his eyes. He definitely knew, but he had the wrong idea. "Not right now."

"Are you just gonna give me the silent treatment all night?"

"For now."

I stopped him in his tracks and pulled him into one of the funhouses, behind a curtain to escape nosy ears.

"Hey, wait up!" Wooyoung called, pulling San in behind us. I had to lose them if Guk and I were going to have this conversation, so I yanked him behind a mirror, out of ear and eye-shot.

Jungkook peered up at me, annoyed. I pursed my lips. "You're clearly mad. I don't want you to stay mad, so let's talk about it now. I didn't peg you for the anxious avoidant type."

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh. "Jo told me some information I didn't ask for, but I wish you would have told me first. What exactly does your cologne do?" He questioned me. I pursed my lips.

"First of all, what did Joyoung tell you?"

"It doesn't matter, Tae. I want to hear it from you. That way I know you won't lie to me."

"I've never lied to you."

"Okay, so what is Aura?"

"It's like an aphrodisiac, a very strong one. When I wear it, anyone exposed to high concentrations will start to become increasingly aroused with time." I told him truthfully. I used it often, but I hadn't since I started hanging out with him. I was afraid he wouldn't believe me though, especially because Joyoung clearly got in his head about it. Jungkook was looking at me like I'd just assaulted him.

"Oh my god." He muttered with disgust. "You are despicable." Jungkook looked me in the eyes and he meant every word. The defense sirens went off in my head as Jungkook tried to walk away from me. I couldn't have him thinking the way everyone else did. I grabbed his jacket to keep him from walking out.

"Jungkook, wait! Don't walk away from me like that. You don't wanna hear my side?"

"You mean your excuses?"

"No excuses. I haven't worn Aura in weeks and that's the truth."

"I'm supposed to believe you?" He questioned me flatly. "Have I ever lied to you?" I asked back. Jungkook pressed his tongue into his cheek and chuckled dryly. "Well, I wouldn't know." He muttered with pride. I could tell he'd been thinking about this all day.

I sighed and pulled Jungkook closer. His arms were crossed, but I didn't let that stop me from trying to close the distance between us. I cupped the sides of his neck, holding his head up so he'd look at me. "Baby. You can trust me. I would never manipulate you like that. Are you really gonna believe Joyoung over your own boyfriend?"

"Don't gaslight me." He scoffed. "It is very hard to trust you, Taehyung. Especially after that 85% bullshit while I was in Busan. If you're not using it on me, then explain to me why everytime we're together, I can't keep my hands off you. I've never felt this way around anyone, but all of a sudden, I want you to do things to me, even though I'm well aware of your past."

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