D&W 40: Okay, I Trust You

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"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked, nodding my head at him. Woosung grinned fondly. "I got the job last year after I graduated university. It's good to see you." He and I hadn't spoken in years, so the encounter was slightly awkward. Even more so when Woosung came from behind his desk to hug me around the waist. He was a head shorter than me, but he still had this arrogant air about him. I hugged him back, reluctantly deciding that he still smelled the same. It had to be all in my head, but the ghost of Aura tickled my nose.

Remember when I told you guys about the guy who used Aura on me for the first time? Yeah, this is the guy. I could see every naughty memory of me flood his pupils as he met my eyes, six inches away. It was obvious he was still attracted to me and I would have been lying if I denied the memories as well. Woosung was still easy on the eyes, especially now that he had grown. He still had that confidence in his demeanor, that sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and flirtatious, cat eyes. It was dangerous.

"Good to see you too. How have you been?" I asked him, not wanting to seem rude. "I've been good. University flew by over in the states, then when I came back here, your mom heard I was back so she offered me the job. I would have been stupid not to. How have you been?"

"Great, honestly. In my last semester of school." I said, shortly. Woosung nodded, stacking up the papers he was working on. The awkward energy of the room pumped through me and I was surprised. I ate awkward energy for breakfast and being sociable was my strongest quality, yet I found myself at a loss for words, caving to the awkwardness. I suppose I had a good reason. Woosung was the first and only guy I ever bottomed for and he was standing right in front of me like he still owned me, looking like he wanted to remind me of what position we started out in.

"Cool. You look amazing. Your hair is still vibrant as usual. I can barely see your roots." He complimented me, reaching up to flick my bangs. "Thanks. My boyfriend dyes it for me."

I put that out in the open because Woosung was giving me bedroom eyes. I needed to put up a boundary, not that it would stop him. I knew the man too well and he could be very persistent and persuasive, a little bit like me. He currently looked like he wanted to bend me over his desk and reclaim me, but I would have to decline. I was no longer a bottom and I wasn't DTF.

Woosung clicked his tongue. "Ah, I've seen your boyfriend on insta. That's cute." He said, making sure I caught his condescending tone. I didn't like the way he called our relationship cute. Not to mention, he was intentionally running his hand down my arm, pinching my earlobe softly as we talked. I had to admit, this type of non-verbal flirting distracted me from my end goal. It was the way he was disregarding my reluctance and pushing his way toward me. "I should have known you wouldn't stay single forever." Woosung smirked. I could see the mischief in his eyes. He rubbed my earlobe again, a weakness Jungkook didn't know about. If I didn't tell him, I'd feel like I was being unfaithful.

Woosung clearly didn't like the fact that I'd decided to settle down, considering that when we were younger, he confessed to me after we'd been sleeping together for a few months. I rejected him and things got weird after that. I'd made it clear to him that I didn't want to date anyone and after that, I didn't let the same person occupy my bed for too long. Anytime I did, it caused a problem similar to this one.

"Yeah, he's amazing. I wasn't into dating at first, but I had to snatch him up before someone else did." I said honestly. "I had no idea you cared enough to be possessive. What's his name?" Woosung asked me, the former statement coming off of his tongue with distaste.

"I had no reason to care before I met him. His name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

"Sounds heavenly." Woosung joked stiffly. Jungkook's name sounded like cheonguk, meaning heaven in Korean. "Yeah, he's an angel." I said, meaning every word. "I always thought you went for the naughtier devilish type." Woosung said, biting his bottom lip and cocking his head, referring to himself, I was sure. I swallowed the lump in my throat. This had to be a trap and i wished he would stop. I took a deep breath. Pull your shit together, Tae. You were doing so well. You don't want him. "Jungkook is plenty naughty." I deflected, though Woosung's flirting was working.

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