D&W 38: This Isn't Your Fault

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Sadness ahead. . . sorry 🥺



"Jimin, you're unbelievable." A fierce blush painted my cheeks as I held my christmas present gingerly in my hand. It was the size of my palm, made of glass, and slightly heavy. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it was for decoration considering I was intrigued with roses. Unfortunately, I did know better and I also knew that Jimin was the definition of unabashed and he tended to lack a boundary or two. In hindsight, though, I didn't really mind. It was just shocking. The stem of the rose was bulbous, slightly curved, and green, of course.

"Do you love it?" He asked me, batting his eyelashes. I stared down at the toy, speechless. Jimin then proceeded to justify the gift.

"I mean damn, at least show a little bit of enthusiasm. You're so uptight all the time, you'd think Tae wasn't touching you at all. Besides, it'll prepare you for when you let him pop your cherry." He snickered. I rolled my eyes. "You thought getting me a sex toy for christmas was a good idea?"

"You got me a set of chokers." He retorted. "That's not the same thing." I argued back. He scoffed. "Damn near."

"Anyway, since when is the popping of my cherry any of your business?" I questioned Jimin, who smirked at me. We'd talked about it many times, so I was only slightly joking. I continued. "Besides, what makes you think it's going to happen?" I neglected to tell him that I'd already made up my mind, but he somehow always figured shit out anyway. He was like a mind reader and he quickly deduced that I was ready for Taehyung to take my virginity, I just wasn't sure when the right time would be. I didn't want to think too hard about it because it should be authentic and natural, not forced, not too planned. But if I surprised him, I don't think he would like that. Taehyung was a sucker for a good plan.

Taehyung could be selfish at times, his communication skills could use some work, and he was dense as hell, at least he pretended to be, but I trusted him and I wanted to show him that. He'd been so vulnerable with me, allowing me to get close to him and to understand him and because of that, I knew that what we had was real. I knew that he cared about me and he'd already proven to me that I wasn't just another body. And somehow, Jimin knew all of that.

"Because, I see the way you look at him. Besides, you've let him do literally everything else to you. I'd say it's about time you let him fuck you. He's been a good boy." Jimin smirked shamelessly. Sex was just an everyday conversation to him, and he didn't at all blush at the thought or mention of it. I, on the other hand, could be bold about sex, but at the moment, I was very well embarrassed and Jimin could see that. He found it amusing to fluster me.

"You're crazy..." I muttered. "... will it hurt?" I asked, gingerly. The thing was definitely bigger than Tae's fingers. Jimin chuckled endearingly. "A little at first, but If you do it right, it'll drive you crazy."

"I've never done anything like that."

"First time for everything. Besides, you've been fingered before. It's not much different."

"How do you know that?"

"Taehyung talks." He said, shrugging. I frowned, not sure how I felt about that. I trust Jimin, I just hoped he wasn't talking about it with anyone else. "But you don't have to worry. It wasn't in a bragging sort of way though... more of an appreciation for your body and asking for advice." He tried to reassure me.

"Tae needs advice? I thought he was supposed to be an expert." I scoffed. Jimin laughed. "You know he's good at what he does. He just didn't want to go too far too fast, so he asked my opinion. It wasn't anything serious. You guys are communicating before you do stuff, right? I'm sure he doesn't need much help making you cu-"

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