D&W 1: Game on, Sugar Lips

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Hello, glad to see you. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. 


There he stood, 100 feet away from me. In the back of my mind, I had anticipated seeing him. Three years without him around and truly, I had been bored. No one to hate-watch when I wanted to escape my own social depravity. I saw the back of his head, covered in electric blue hair and a snapback cap, red, turned backwards covering that thick forest of blue. Nothing about him had changed since I'd last seen him. His hair was still vibrant, always vibrant, like he touched up the color once a week and only washed his hair with cold water. He still had that arrogant glow about him, surrounding him like thick armor. And he was currently surrounding his next victim with it, against the wall like he always used to do. Some things never change. He could make a poor soul blush with just a flash of his pearly white teeth. That was his favorite sport aside from volleyball, which he had been playing for as long as I could remember. He had the toned legs for it, which he showed off with his four inch seam shorts. Damn,, I wanted to knock him down a peg.

The woman who swooned smitten under his gaze was beet red, glancing up at him like she wanted him right in this room, right now, even with the hundreds of other people present. Watching the little scene, I all but seethed as he returned her sexually charged gaze. It disgusted me the way he did so, but I just couldn't look away. I hate-watched until he whispered something into her ear, backed away and held his camera up, beckoning her to pose with his hand. She posed seductively for him and he focused on her like she was the only girl in the room, even though it was highly likely that he'd fucked at least half of the people here. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't, not until someone got my attention.

"Jeon Jungkook!" I snapped my eyes to the familiar voice, deep when he was serious, higher when he was teasing me. Currently, it was the latter. "You know better than to bark up that tree. Taehyung is still a slut. Nothing has changed."

"I wasn't barking up anything and I'm  well aware." I argued, rolling my eyes so that I could tear them away from Taehyung's sculpted back. "If you know, then why are you always staring at him? You've been doing that shit since you were a sophomore in high school. Drooling and shit." He accused me, nudging my shoulder with his elbow as he sat down next to me.

"Fuck off, I wasn't drooling." I retorted. Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Than what's this?" He said, wiping his grubby finger at the side of my mouth. He was just teasing me and I knew I wasn't drooling, but instinctively, I wiped the spot. "Quit it, Hyung."

Yoongi was my cousin's best friend, so likely, he adopted me as his little cousin and we've been close since we were in elementary school. Teasing me was his favorite thing to do, to my despair. He didn't have time to continue his ruthless accusations about my attraction to Taehyung because the school's president began to talk up on the stage. I sank down in my red auditorium seat to try and hide from my own embarrassment and crossed my arms tight.

Today was the fall semester welcome ceremony which meant that classes started tomorrow. I'd already gotten my dorm and my schedule, now I just had to join a club. If I didn't, I'd be lonely and sad for the next four years. During the ceremony, we'd hear from some of the most important club presidents and departments but I didn't need an introduction. I knew which club I'd join.

I was looking forward to the year, hoping to learn more about myself, try not to be so nervous all the time and avoid all of the peer pressure that comes along with being a freshman, the parties, the excessive drinking, the sex. I was definitely not having sex.

No. Definitely not. I would focus on classes and Math club and I would not get sucked into the life many incoming freshmen became subject to. I was going to be a nerd in peace and no one was going to stop me. Not like they tried in highschool with the bullying and ostracizing. The only reason things didn't get physical was because my cousin was there to protect me.

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