D&W 16: Who's Gonna Kiss Me When You're Gone?

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"You would look so hot with a tattoo." Sooyoung spoke in a sugary sweet voice.

She had sat down in the row in front of me so that she could face me when she turned around. Her long flower print skirt brushed against my knees as she leaned in to interject herself into Hobi and my conversation. Just seconds before, I had been waiting for Jungkook to text me back and unintentionally ignored her in the process. Hoseok and I were talking about tattoos and how my parents would kill me if I'd gotten any. It would be their final straw before they tried to cut me off. The dreadful thought left my mind though, when I saw the three bubbles appear, indicating that Jungkook was typing. It teased me to no end.

"You think so?" I murmured, not caring much for the answer. I was only entertaining her because it was such a habit. I was sure Jungkook wouldn't like it though, so I focused on the three bubbles as they wiggled, taunting me.

Jungkook: I think you're annoying

Me: You like it.

Jungkook: Unfortunately, I do.

It was true that my unbreakable persona was cracking whenever I saw him. He made me feel things I had ever felt before, like butterflies. I didn't know what it was at first, but then it kept happening whenever I was around him. I kind of adored him, wanted to wrap him up in a bow and kiss him until I couldn't feel my lips. He was so fucking cute. I was getting soft and he was starting to notice that he was my weakness.

Suddenly, I felt fingers trace my wrist and I looked up at the source, Sooyoung. Since she was Saejin's best friend. Saejin was Hobi's girlfriend. Whenever I hung out with Hobi, Saejin was close and Sooyoung wasn't far behind. She was cute and desirable and I had once wanted her myself, but all of that changed when I started to spend time with Jungkook.

"I think you should put it here, and here, and here." With every word, her finger traced up my arm. The contact was a bit annoying, so I lifted my hand to rake it through my hair, away from her reach. If it was that big of a deal, I would have been more assertive, but I didn't want to embarrass her. She didn't really deserve it. It's not like she knew I wasn't up for grabs anymore. Thankfully, the professor walked in and began to start the lesson. About 10 minutes in, Hoseok leaned over and nudged my side.

"What was that, dude? You've been trying to get with Sooyoung for like three months and she wouldn't let you. Now she's flirting and you're pushing her off?" Hobi questioned my behavior. He seemed shocked, with good reason. Truthfully, she had been my next target, but clearly I had other plans. Besides, she never outright said no because she wanted me to chase her. I only did that for so long until I got bored. Clearly, there was an exception to that rule. "Not in the mood, really." I said vaguely. He scoffed. "What? Not in the mood? Who are you?" I shrugged again. "I have other shit to do."

"Did Joyoung get in your head? Is he holding you hostage? You were with him so much, did he finally threaten you into submission?" Hobi questioned me. I scoffed. "Hell no. I wish he would try." Someone had gotten to my head, but it sure as shit wasn't Joyoung. "My parents are just on my ass right now, so I'm cooling down until the carnival is over. That's it." I finally conjured up an answer for him that wasn't entirely a lie. Jungkook was turning me into a fibber. I ignored Hobi's other questions as I texted Jungkook back.

Me: I knew you couldn't resist me.

Guk: yeah, well don't try and test that theory.

Me: why? Can't handle a little heat? I can help you with that.

Guk: Not gonna happen, asshole.

"Who's Cupcake and why are you grinning like a fool?" Hoseok leaned over my shoulder to look at my phone screen. I shrugged him off and glared. "No one." I hissed. Hobi clicked his tongue. "You're being weird, man. Are you dating someone?" He asked me. I scoffed and side eyed him. "You know I don't date, stupid." It wasn't a lie, just an omission of truth.

Dark and Wild *Taekook*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara