D&W 29: I'm a Virgin, but I'm Not Innocent

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Spicy time again 🌶️🌶️
💜Happy reading



"Wait a second." Jungkook pressed his hands against my chest, just before I could unbuckle the latch of his belt. I froze, though I wanted desperately to press my tongue against the hard abs in front of me. "What? Why?" I asked him, sounding a bit more annoyed than I should have. I'd been dying to return his favor, but he was focused on exams, we hardly had time. Jungkook pursed his dainty lips and came up on his elbows to look at me.

"I need you to tell me something first." He said. The tone of his voice was so stern, but his eyes were cautious. Of course they were. He'd never been touched the way I was about to. "What is it?" I asked him, secretly pleaing that he wouldn't change his mind. I wanted to get him under me since the moment I met him and I was so close. Even if we couldn't go all the way for another nine months, I would be content just hearing him moan my name a couple of times.

"T-this is more for my conscience and not because I doubt you... tell me why you want me so badly and I don't just mean right now. I mean as your boyfriend. Be honest with me and don't say anything about my body." He said firmly. I cocked my head. "So suddenly? Is this how I'm gonna earn the right to jack you off?"

"Not just... jack me off, but to see me vulnerable." I loved how blunt he was when he wanted to be. "Look, I just defended you to my two best friends and they think I'm ridiculous for opening up to you, let alone being with you. I want to be vulnerable with you, but I need to know that you're serious."

"Are you serious about me?" I asked him. Not many people were. Jungkook nodded firmly. "I am. I want to know you better and I want to be closer to you."

"I'm pretty serious about you too. I'm not sure what that means, but I know what I feel for you isn't just a passing phase." I could easily think of five things I liked about Jungkook as a person, even though I was sure he thought I was just thinking about what would happen next.

"You're insanely smart, and not just with numbers, like everything from the way you think, the way you analyze everything, your problem solving, your random facts... you're super creative and you appreciate art. I feel like I can talk to you about an art piece for hours and you'll actually listen to me. No one else will... You speak your mind, you don't let people influence you, and you don't take any bullshit... you care about me being vulnerable with you and getting to know me for who I am despite your initial feelings towards me... you're strong willed, you stand up for yourself and others, even when people try to test you, and when you know what you want, you don't settle for anything less... I haven't felt the need to let anyone in, but you have this strange way of pulling me closer, no matter how much I tried to deny my feelings for you in the beginning. It started out as pure lust, but it morphed into something else I can't really explain."

"Thank you for saying that. You're really good with words, you know that?"

"Well, you pretty much made me say it." I joked. Jungkook glared at me. "I'm joking. I meant every word, okay?"

"Okay. Keep going." He permitted me, letting go of my wrists. I bent down to kiss him on the forehead. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him. There was nothing like regret after a sexual encounter to ruin a relationship. I knew that firsthand. "I said yes, didn't I?"

I smirked. "Okay then. If you change your mind-"

"Shut up Taehyung." He cut me off harshly. I scoffed. "Yes, Sir." Though I wanted him to know he wasn't being pressured, he didn't seem to care, so I kissed his lips, breached them with my tongue and sunk my hips down between his legs. The hard muscles of his abs felt firm against my own and to get closer, I hiked one of his thighs up against my side to make more room against him, running my hands up his thighs and back down again until he melted into the bed.

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