D&W 37: You Love Him and He Loves You

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A little christmas filler chappie


"Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me. I've been an awful good boy, Santa baby, so hurry down my chimney tonight~" Taehyung's voice lilted softly as he danced around the Christmas tree, trying to seduce me. I was glad my parents weren't home, because the way his body moved and the way he sang was sinful.

"Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot. I've been an angel all year, Santa baby, so hurry down my chimney tonight.~" I was trying my hardest to focus on decorating our Christmas tree, but my boyfriend was distracting me. He took a string of golden streamers and started waving it around while grinning at me as the jazzy song played. His thick, sexy voice sang over the soft one of the woman and as usual, it sent a shiver down my spine. His green checkered pajama pants didn't leave much to the imagination as he swayed his hips to the beat.

"Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring. And I don't mean on the phone Santa honey~" Taehyung swayed toward me and grabbed my hips. We swayed seductively together. "So hurry down my chimney tonight~" Our lips met on the final note and the butterflies in my stomach woke up. His hand grabbed at my butt as he pulled me closer.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Tae and I pulled apart from each other so fast as our heads shot toward the front of the living room. There, stood my father with shopping bags in his hands. He had a grin on his face as he looked between Taehyung and me.

"W-when did you get home?" I asked him, nervously. My father chuckled. "Not long ago. Don't worry." He said, with a knowing look on his face. My mother followed my father in and smiled at the both of us.

"The tree looks pretty, you two. Great job."

"Well, I've been decorating. Taehyung's just been dancing the whole time." I said, rolling my eyes. Taehyung winked at me and my parents just chuckled.

"Gukie, come see the gifts I got for your brother." My mom asked me. I followed her into the dining room to see what she got my brother and left Tae and Appa in the living room.

Jungkook left the living room to follow his mother and his father came into the living room with a bag. "Look what I got Jungkookie for Christmas." He said, pulling out a pair of pink cat ear headphones with lights and little speakers on the ears. I smiled. "He'll like those. . . I'm not sure what to get him, to be honest." I admitted to Jungkook's father. Mr. Jeon chuckled. "Yeah, it's hard to buy for a kid who has all the trinkets and gadgets he could ever want. But you'd better think fast. Christmas is in two weeks."

"I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's thoughtful enough. What do you think of this?" I asked, showing him a picture of what I was going to buy. Mr. Jeon hummed. "That's a good pick. You know him well. He's crazy about electronics. But, he's also crazy about you. I'm sure anything you get him, he'll love." He said. I smiled softly. "You think he's crazy about me?"

"Oh yeah, you should hear the way he was talking about you the other day. I knew you were a keeper before I even met you." Mr. Jeon said. No one had ever told me that before. "Really?"

"Mhm. I thought you'd be more confident than this, kid." He said. I shrugged. "Well, I've never had a boyfriend before, so this is all new to me. I'm glad I'm doing something right."

"You mean to tell me you look like a statue and you've never dated? If I looked like you when I was your age, I'd have had an ego the size of the moon." Mr. Jeon joked. "Well, I do. I just didn't really want to settle down. . . if you know what I mean."

Mr. Jeon nodded. "I know exactly what you mean. To be honest, I'm surprised my son ended up such a prude, the way I used to get around." I chuckled at that, refraining from telling Mr. Jeon that his son wasn't as prudent as he pretended to be. "Well, Jungkook has high standards, that's all."

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