D&W 45: I'm Not Playing Games

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As Taehyung came up behind me, he pulled my chin up and leaned down to kiss my lips. I could feel the blush flood my ears and cheeks, as well as the spark of chemistry though my fingers when he bit down possessively on my bottom lip. I didn't like the fact that everyone at the table was likely watching the intimate greeting, but the kiss distracted me from their prying eyes.

Just after Tae released my chin, I instinctively made eye contact with Hyunjin, who was rolling his eyes. Taehyung slid into the seat next to me after Changmin got up to move and slung his arm around me. "How are the projects going?" He addressed the entire group, but only looked at me. His long, pretty eyelashes fluttered as he search me face.

"Fine." I said.

"Great!" A girl cut in. "You're starting the new project too, right? We're calling it Mood Swings." Hyunjin said. Tae cocked his head. "Interesting."

"Mhm. Jungkook came up with it. The subject is using various parts of the body to express different emotions. Most of us can barely juggle two projects at once, but his mind just keeps going." Hyunjin praised me.

"He's talented, isn't he?" Taehyung smirked, running his fingers through my hair. There was a pressure point near the top of my neck that caused me to lean into his touch and he pressed right into it. As much as he was disinclined to intimate touch before, he sure couldn't keep his hands off me, and he was good at it.

Hyunjin smirked back at Taehyung, watching us with a hint of contempt in his eyes. "He sure is."

Tae and Hyunjin had been frenemies for years. They used to sleep together, but something made them stop. Now, they bickered like an old married couple and it was mostly about me these days. Jimin used to joke about the lingering sexual frustration between them before Tae and I got serious. Whenever Tae and Hyunjin were in the same room, it was like a silent storm was brewing between them.


Hwang Hyunjin was a pain in my ass. Yes, we used to sleep together freshman year, and yes, he was good, but he was also one of the power bottom types I couldn't stand. He begged me to sleep with him, which I finally agreed to, but only because he wanted to try to humble me. He was a switch who preferred to top and he thought that with enough persuasion, I'd give in. I had only let one person top me and that had long ended. I liked to have complete control (before Jungkook) over my own pleasure and release. If I wasn't topping, I couldn't do that.

Hyun and I used to argue about roles all the time, and not the type of arguing that turned me on. He used to do it to get a rise out of me so I'd be rough with him, but I couldn't stand it. Eventually, every he would ask me to hook up, I'd get annoyed, so I stopped fucking him. He was still a little bitter about it, so I think to get back at me, he flirted with my boyfriend.

Truth be told, it made me slightly insecure, a feeling that I seldom had. Jungkook was too good for me and not because he was a virgin before me and I was far from that, but because he had less baggage. I tried to hide my distress the best I could, but for some reason Jungkook saw right through it. I was afraid that one day, he would get sick of carrying my baggage with me and I would lose the only person with whom I felt comfortable enough to hold not only my baggage, but my heart too. He could shatter my heart to pieces and I wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it. I couldn't imagine someone like Hyunjin, who he had so much in common with, sweeping him away from me.

I have never been an aggressive person and if I exhibited that trait, it was in bed. The second the sex was over, I was back to my farefree, nonchalant self or the carefree nonchalant self that I pretended to be, except instead my mind was racing with self-hatred, self-pity, and guilt. I say all that to say I wasn't a violent person. If Hyunjin attempted to steal my boyfriend, the only thing I could do was tell him to stay away.

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