D&W 4: Don't Be a Brat

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This is only slightly unedited.



The sun flooded through my curtains, yanking me from a hazy sleep and the moment my eyes could focus, a wave of nausea hit me like a truck to the gut. When I scrambled up to make the trip to my bathroom, a headache enveloped my skull, almost knocking me off my feet. Thankfully, I'd made it to the toilet before emptying the remnants of whatever the fuck I consumed last night. The headache still pounded, but I sighed, threw back a hangover shot from the medicine cabinet and left the bathroom.

When I shuffled back into our room, my eyes laid on a very naked body under Jimin's blankets. How did I miss that? I questioned myself, running my hands frustratedly through my wavy blue locks because I was struggling to remember what happened last night.

The boy in Jimin's bed rolled over, snuggling into the comforter like he belonged there and when I saw his face, I groaned. That was not Jimin's one night stand. It was mine and I clearly didn't make it to my own bed before I took out my sexual frustration on him. No wonder Jimin wasn't here. Not to mention, a certain black haired pretty boy had been stuck in my head all night, even hours after he let me dance with him, the desire still remained. That body in my hands, his tight waist and his strawberry shampoo. If I didn't respect the way he was cautious around me, I would have let Aura take over so I could have him. I know how to make a boy melt in my hands, but I refrained last night.

"Yah, Jo, wake up." At least I remembered this one's name. Kang Joyoung. He was my special occasion fuck, and by that, I meant he was one of the only guys I slept with more than once because he knew how to take me rough. I didn't care much for his pleasure, only mine, nor did I ever do foreplay and he was okay with that. If only he wasn't so fucking annoying.

Joyoung squirmed, groaned, and turned back over when he heard my irritated tone. "Come on, get the fuck up. Jimin is going to kill me if he finds out I fucked you in his bed." Jimin hated when I slept with Joyoung and I wasn't sure why. So much so that sometimes, he went to shower in the freshman dorms so he didn't have to wake up to see us in the same bed.

"Ugh!'' The sleepy nuisance finally awoke. "Don't be such an asshole, Tae. You fucked my brains out and won't let me sleep. Be a decent human for once." His retort was muffled by the pillows and blankets, but I heard him loud and clear. "Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. You knew what you signed up for. Now get up." I grumbled, pulling the blanket off of him for good measure. Cold morning air against naked, and sweaty skin was most unpleasant. "You have some nerve after the way you rage-fucked me with no prep." Joyoung argued. "Oh please, like you didn't cum four times. You asked for it." I retorted. It wasn't rage that I fucked him with. It was pure frustration and adulterated lust for someone else.

"You're ass better be out of here by the time I get back. I'm serious." I pointed a threatening finger at him and he shut his eyes dramatically, pulling the blanket I'd yanked off of him over his head. He then flipped me a 'fuck you' from under it.

After my cold and unsatisfying shower, I brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair and made my way back to our room for the second time. When I opened the door, Joyoung was gone and Jimin's blankets and sheets were piled on the bed, ready for laundry. Not only that, but Jimin was standing stark naked in the mirror, contorting his body to peer at his ass.

"I'm hot, aren't I?" the question was less confirmation and more genuine concern. He shifted his gaze to me through the mirror as I rolled my eyes. "Jimin, you know you're hot. Why are you asking me that?" I asked him dismissively, getting dressed.

"Because, Yoongi ran away from me. AGAIN!!" He huffed, slipping into a pair of underwear. "I wore my best outfit for him." He pouted. "Dude, you being attractive has nothing to do with it. Of course you're hot and Yoongi knows that. I think he's just intimidated by you."

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