D&W 21: I Just Want You

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^^^^Libid0 MV by Onlyoneof. I've been playing Onlyoneof on repeat for the last two weeks and I highly recommend their music. They're all so sexy and I already have a bias. They sort of have a similar style to CIX, who is another sexy concept boy group.

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter.


It was very dark, save for the sea of neon glow sticks in the room. I couldn't hear much above the deep thump of the music and Taehyung's hands on my waist kept me from getting anxious. As his breath fanned against my neck, I could smell alcohol and the sandalwood of his cologne. His hard chest brushed against my back as we danced, and it felt as if he was showing me off to everyone in the room, like I belong to him, even though no one could see me. There were hundreds of glowing bodies in the room, but I couldn't see any of their faces and I was glad for it.

I wore glow in the dark eyeliner, thanks to Jimin. My clothes were black, but around my neck clutched glow stick chokers, along with my wrists. My shoelaces glowed in the dark and so did my nail polish. I fit right into the atmosphere, despite my feeling out of place here. Taehyung did well to make me feel comfortable, and it helped a bit that it was dark.

Taehyung was dressed in all black as well, which was something he never did. His rings glowed and his neck was adorned with glow sticks of every color of the rainbow. Linked to one of them was a chainlink of glow rings, connecting his neck to my wrist, like a leash. It was long enough not to break, but short enough to keep Taehyung close.

I leaned back against Taehyung as we danced, feeling the two drinks I'd had swimming through my veins. I felt relaxed and less uptight, as people liked to tell me I was. Jumping around to the noise pop music came easier than it would have been if I was sober. I knew nobody here but my boyfriend, yet I didn't panic.


The word boyfriend was strange, even in my head. "What are you thinking about?" Taehyung asked into my ear. I must have had a pensive look on my face at having remembered that I could call Taehyung mine. Then I remembered that he couldn't see my face, so I must have stopped dancing.

"Nothing." I shook my head, yelling back. He spun me around like we were at a ball and pulled me into his chest. We had been dancing for the past two hours and at no point did he leave my personal space. The leash appeared to be working. Tae and I earned some faceless questioning looks from his friends, with good reason. He was leashed to some random boy at a party, but he just laughed it off and said "don't worry about it." They would make jokes about how someone finally trapped him and that made me snicker because the leash was his idea. After I'd complained about going to the party together and the possibility of him leaving me alone at any point, he assured me with the leash.

Taehyung wasn't hard to recognize with his blue hair. Even in the dark, against the black lights, his hair was luminous. It worried me that when people saw him, they would try to get his attention or request some personal time with him. People had no idea we were dating and I was afraid that somehow, I would lose him.

I had no reason to fear that though, because Taehyung never left my side. Even when his friends would come up and talk to him, he never took his hand off of me. Even if it was just a squeeze to my hand or waist, it was enough to know I still had his attention. It eased my social anxiety to be close to him, and I hated that he drew that vulnerability out of me.

As we danced in the thick sea of bodies, Tae guided my hips back and forth teasingly against him in a sensual grind. The alcohol in my body erased all of my inhibitions and I just let him take the lead. In that moment, I felt like I was his and he was mine. His hair was mine to run my fingers through, though that was his most distinguished feature. His hands were mine to intertwine with and his lips were mine to kiss. At least now they were. I didn't want to know how many people he'd made out with before me.

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