D&W 33: Can You Get Any Sexier?

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"Have you talked to Jungkook today?" Jimin asked me while getting dressed. There was about two hours until the party and every minute that went by, I seemed to get more and more uneasy. It seemed I would need to get some alcohol in my system soon or I was gonna lose it. I couldn't be constantly reminded of the fact that I probably shouldn't go to this party. The warning had been ringing in my chest for two days, but as usual, I ignored it. This was the reason I always found myself in some shit. I couldn't deny my hunger for the party scene and craving for the hazy feeling of intoxication. Was it unhealthy? Absolutely. Was I going to change any time soon? Probably not. I could curb my insatiable sexual appetite, but there was nothing that could substitute a party. I lived for it.

I finally answered Jimin after a few long seconds. I really didn't want to talk to him about Jungkook because I knew he would chew me out. He had, for some reason, adopted Jungkook as his favorite little friend and anyone who tried to hurt him was met with hellfire. Even me, his boyfriend, was subject to Jimin's wrath. Even still, that wasn't me admitting I was trying to hurt Jungkook. Jimin just thought I was.

"We talked on the phone early this morning. . . at like 1 am for a few hours." I answered, trying not to give too much detail. If I thought about Jungkook too much, I was going to be reminded of how much I missed him. I really wished he could come with me to this party tonight, but I was going to try and have fun without him dancing with me and scolding me for drinking too much. It would be Hoseok's job to help me back to the dorm when I'm too drunk to walk.

It sucked I wouldn't get to see Jungkook's party outfit. Damn, did my baby know how to dress for a party. He claimed he hated attention, but dressed in a way that commanded it when he walked into the room. I always called bullshit on that and he loved to argue with me to no avail. Besides, if he really hated attention, he wouldn't be with me. I had no shame in telling him how sexy he was.

"Did you tell him about the party?" Jimin questioned me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What for?" I questioned him. Jimin pursed his lips then placed a sassy hand on his fishnet adorned hips. He was glaring at me as if I was personally offending him. "You know what for, dumbass."

I ignored him purposefully with a shrug and got dressed. For tonight, I put on my favorite over-sized distressed denim jacket with neon blue paint splattered across the fabric. Jimin wore white as well, a crop top and white ripped jeans with neon fishnets underneath. Hoseok showed up to our dorm less than ten minutes later dressed in every neon color that existed on his shirt and a white bomber jacket and white jeans. I'm sure you're sensing what this party's theme was.

The atmosphere was lit as expected. I made sure to get some alcohol as soon as I got there and the three of us danced and drank all night. I soon forgot about the uneasy feeling in my chest and the buzzing of my phone in my pocket. If I looked, I knew who would be on the screen when I did.

To my disgruntlement, Hobi offered to be my chaperone for the night to make sure I didn't get plastered and "commit some headassery" in his words. I figured everything would be fine as long as I didn't come in contact with Joyoung tonight. He seemed to be the root of all my problems lately, besides my parents. Since my last major encounter with him, he'd been pushy, trying to act as though Jungkook didn't exist and I was still up for grabs.

It was like he had no care or concern for the fact that I had a boyfriend who could very easily kill him with a simple glare. His cowardice was surprising, because he always waited until Jungkook wasn't around to mess with me. And he never really caused too many problems. I would just cuss at him and he'd go away temporarily, so I found no need to tell Jungkook about it. I even refrained from simply complaining to my boyfriend because I didn't want to start any shit. Jungkook and I were happy and I saw no point in making him unhappy with the news.

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