D&W 28: Call the Fire Department

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I accidentally published this when it wasn't done 😅😅 Curse the publish button being next to the save button. Anyway, it's shorter than usual, but the next chapter will automatically be long because of it's content 🌶️😏 so I wanted it to have its own chapter.




Namjoon Hyung and I have been close ever since we were young. Our mothers are sisters and did pretty much everything together, even in adulthood. Joon started worrying about my social skills when we were kids, always making sure I had someone to talk to or sit with at lunch. It was good of him to do that, because I couldn't seem to keep friends when I was younger. Whether that be my boring interests, or the fact that I'd always been a no-bullshit person, I couldn't keep friends around for very long. Joon knew that, and he later recruited Yoongi to watch over me too, so they both became my two closest friends. Yoongi liked to joke that it was their fault no one ever approached me for a date. Despite the fact that they were both scary, I didn't quite believe him because while I've always been attractive in the face, my style was nothing shy of nerdy and unapproachable. I had coconut shaped hair and our school uniform was always too big on me.

It wasn't until my last year of high school that I began to care more about my appearance. I loathed guys like Taehyung for trying so hard to stand out, but then there were guys like Jimin who were attractive by putting in just an ounce of effort. I wanted that, so I styled my hair differently and people started to give me more than just a passing glance in the hallways. After graduation, I grew my hair past my ears and got all of the tattoos and piercings I could afford before starting university.

Once I began guiding my own style, people started to notice me, and it was flattering on one side, but on the other side, I hated attention. I was a fickle man. Nonetheless, I felt liberated being able to dress how I wanted and express myself in my own way and Namjoon saw that as his queue to really start warding off the boys. Especially during the summer months before classes started. Once Taehyung caught sight of me, Joon had to work that much harder, enlisting Yoongi for assistance as well. They knew I could handle myself, but they didn't want me to have to do that.

While I looked menacing on the outside and knew how to be harsh when I had to, when it came to Taehyung, he really tore that wall down bit by bit, exposing my soft, vulnerable, marshmallowy center. He made me weak and both of my Hyungs knew that. It's why they were so adamant about me not dating him, or in the very least being extremely careful.

Now, I was sitting on their floor playing super smash bros and they just had to bring Taehyung up again. As much as they hated my boyfriend, they sure loved to talk about him. Jin was there too, so that only added onto the embarrassment, though he tried defending Taehyung when it was applicable.

The one thing I knew about Jin was that he didn't defend lies. If they said something about Taehyung and it was true, he would let it slide, but if they said something that wasn't true or only half true, he was quick to refute it. I had also started to be that way, and Joon and Yoon were giving me extra practice.

"So. . . how are you and Taehyung?" Namjoon asked me while button mashing. "We're fine."

I mumbled. "Why?" I really wanted to ask 'what now?' because it was always something. Yoongi answered the question for me.

"He wants to know if you and Tae are having sex." Yoongi said bluntly. Jin began to cackle and Joon glared at the both of them. It was clear Yoongi was right though. I rolled my eyes. "We're not. But if we were, what would be the problem?" I asked him flippantly, kicking his character off of the platform with a power attack.

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